Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 12, 2015 — Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

Today you may be feeling more inspired and ready to put some of your bigger ideas into practice.

The Page of Pentacles speaks of a enthusiasm, anticipation and a sense of promise over plans that may have been swimming around your head for some time, but that you haven’t done anything about. Until now.

It refers to dreams and ideals that may not even be fully formed. There’s an air of anticipation that goes with wanting to see them come to fruition and that may have just needed a nudge to turn them into reality.

The Page of Pentacles — this version from the beautiful Gypsy Palace Tarot — is a both a self-made individual and a work in progress. But it’s not all about “work” in the sense that it’s tedious or uninspiring. It’s about craftsmanship and inspiration as seen in the colorful figure in this card.

You could find yourself putting the finishing touches on half-finished projects in order to clear the way for something else. You could be polishing off your resume, purchasing business attire, or boning up on your studies, in anticipation of something bigger and better on the horizon. Or you could be getting ready to start something brand new — like heading off to college.

The Page of Pentacles is excited about creating something and perfecting it, whether it’s on the job or in other areas of his life. Whether this refers to you personally or to someone in your life who reflects these qualities, the idea is to take the ball and run with it. While you may be overwhelmed with the work that’s set out before you, if anyone is up to the task it’s you.





NoragpsetToday’s card — Page of Pentacles — is part of the Gypsy Palace Tarot series, designed by Nora HuszkaThe creation and marketing of this deck was the result of a successful campaign and funding through

Her beautiful deck can be purchased directly from her website, or from her Etsy storefront. This deck is also available for download through the Galaxy Tone website. 

Be sure to check out her Youtube channel and visit and like her Facebook fanpage too!

Used by generous permission. Thank you Norah!  




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