
February 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Prince of Wands

ARIES: Prince of Wands

Mars (your ruler) has now moved into your sign. And what better card to depict that energy than the Prince of Wands — the Druid Craft Tarot’s version of the Knight of Wands? This card speaks of gathering up the courage and confidence that’s needed to go after your goals.

It may be a dream you’d set aside because you lacked the time, energy or resources to follow it n the past. It could be an interest that’s been calling out to you that’s no longer possible to resist. And it might be something (or someone) you’re passionate about that you’re only now in a position to pursue.

The Prince of Wands encourages you to move past your fears and go after your dreams with the attitude that nothing can stand in your way. You don’t want to waiver or second-guess yourself; you want to grab onto opportunities that present themselves without a moment’s hesitation.

This doesn’t mean you ought to go gallivanting across the countryside without a plan. Keep in mind the Prince of Wands can be a bit rash — in an act first and figure out how to get out of whatever predicament you’ve gotten yourself into later sort of way. Because he runs on adrenaline, he has a tendency to lose interest in anything routine.

If this is someone in your life, you will know him by his confidence and bravado. He may he here to teach you the importance of embracing some of these qualities yourself. But if instead this card represents an energy and attitude you already possess, keep in mind the importance of making preparations and pacing yourself so you don’t run out of steam.

The Prince of Wands is here to remind you that it’s a good time to dream big, challenge yourself and set your goals in motion. If you temper those goals with a enough discipline and perseverance, you may just see them manifest beyond your wildest dreams.

December 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: The Magician

With Mars (your ruler) and Uranus in mutual reception now, it’s going to be a high energy month for you, with just as much potential for things to go haywire as there is for magic to transpire.

The Magician card — this version from Nora Huszka’s Gypsy Palace Tarot — encourages us to make the best use of all of the resources at our disposal. Especially during stressful times. The Magician — like the Fool — already has everything he needs. But unlike the Fool, he’s consciously aware of it.

Sometimes it’s about learning to harness those energies and sometimes it’s about keeping them afloat. And sometimes it boils down to a precarious balancing act.

Notice the black cat exiting the stage on the right. He’s left his paw prints all the way down the wall and across the backdrop. He’s traipsed all over the stage yet doesn’t seem to have distracted the Magician at all. That’s the kind of composure you wan to cultivate during this time.

While Mars and Uranus bring in unexpected opportunities, there’s also a Jupiter / Uranus opposition to contend with. This can be a volatile aspect that can wreak havoc on your relationships.

There are two ways to handle oppositions. The first one has to do with “owning” one side of the opposition and projecting the other one outwardly, onto another person or an event. The other is to see it as an opportunity to balance and integrate those opposing forces.

The first option often results in crisis (when it comes to Jupiter and Uranus, it doesn’t matter which one you’re owning and which one you’re projecting — it’s not going to be a picnic). And the other has the potential to create “magic” (especially when it comes to Jupiter and Uranus).

Your goal therefore should be head off conflict by working on balancing the “oppositions” in your own life. You may not be able to avoid confrontational people, but how you respond to them is entirely in your hands.That ability to harness your inner conflicts will ultimately provide you with the tools that can help you to handle the outer ones.

July 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Strength

This month you may be called upon to tame your inner beast, meaning that if you feel your emotions rising and you know they may get out of control if you give way to them then you need to reign those emotions in and find another way to express them.

On the surface you look happy and calm almost contented as if nothing can rattle you yet underneath a storm may be brewing.

Be on the lookout for anyone trying to press your buttons to seek a reaction from you. This may be of paramount concern to you this month with the Strength card — this version from the Anna K Tarot — as your talisman.

If you have been having trouble with someone and they know how to rile you then you need to be extra vigilant that you do not react the way they are hoping for. If you do you lose and they win.

The yellow sky shows a prevalence of mental abilities today yet if your mind is too cluttered with many different thoughts you may not get to the gist of what you are wanting to know.

The white dress shows you as innocent in some way… almost like a blank canvas waiting to see what sprouts forth. Whatever does come forth for you today you can be sure it will not be small.

April 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Wands

ARIES: Eight of Wands

You may have so much on your plate this month that it feels like “rush rush rush” for you as you scramble to get things accomplished.

The Eight of Wands — this version from the beautiful Crystal Visions Tarot — is all about action, progress and momentum. It’s about getting things done and making things happen.

It may be as simple as ticking off all the little things on your to-do list, and it may be as significant as making great headway on an important project.

While it might feel to you like there just aren’t enough hours in the day, you could be surprised when the month is over to see how much you really accomplished.

The Eight of Wands is a high energy card and also sometimes refers to travel. In that respect it relates to being literally and physically on the go. Are you planning a weekend getaway? Use this extra energy to make preparations for your trip.

Look at the Eight Unicorns galloping down the canyon on this card. They’re raring to go and although not all of them are moving in the same direction, they’ all appear to know exactly where they’re going.

Mars (your ruler) is now moving through Sagittarius, which works very well with this energy: both the imagery of “wild horses” and the idea of travel. And while it will be turning retrograde later in the month, you won’t want to be sitting home and letting your thoughts gather dust.

Now is the time to make sure your get up and go actually goes somewhere — whether that means tackling a mountain of chores or heading off on an exciting new adventure.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 16, 2015 — Two of Fire

Two of Fire

Two of Fire 

Today’s card — the Two of Fire, the Vision Quest Tarot’s version of the Two of Wands, speaks of drawing on your inner reserves of self-confidence and initiative to make something happen.

This could be something that was once just a dream or half-formed vision about where you see yourself “down the road.” You may be thinking of going back to school, or looking for another job or approaching someone you’re interested in and asking them out to dinner. It doesn’t have to be something big. But it can lead to something huge.

The Two of Fire asks, “What are you waiting for?” and “why are you holding back?” It tells you there’s no time like the present to put yourself out there and take at least the first steps toward pursuing your goals.

You may not have fully fleshed out your ideas. And that’s perfectly ok. The Two of Fire speaks of putting something into action that will gather momentum over time.

It encourages you to expand your horizons and reach for broader vistas. It speaks of taking a look at your long-term goals and acting on them with courage and conviction.

If you’ve been hesitating due to fear or uncertainty, now is the time to put those worries aside. You’re already seeing how some moves are paying off, and are now in a position to take things to the next level. The Two of Fire says that all you aspire to is now within your grasp; you only need to gather up the courage and confidence to go after it.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 24, 2015 — Two of Rods

Two of Rods

Two of Rods

You may feel like you’re at a cross-roads today — fretting over decisions that are weighing heavily on your mind, and afraid of making the wrong move.

This version of the Two of Rods — from the Anna K Tarot — illustrates this dilemma beautifully. There are several different paths to take but no clear direction. And no idea what is on the other side.

In this respect the Two of Rods is as much about trust as it is about action. Trusting that whatever path you take will lead you to where you need to be.

Mars and Uranus are in inconjunct today. This is a rather tense aspect that can see you at odds between what you are motivated to do (Mars) and whatever curve-balls the Universe wants to throw your way (Uranus).

It may be frustrating, but look at the figure in this card. He’s not getting anywhere by plopping himself down on the side of the road and worrying about taking the wrong path. He may be avoiding pitfalls by sitting there doing nothing, but he’s also missing out on potential opportunities.

The Two of Rods says that while you may not have all the information you need to make an informed decision, you’re still better off doing something rather than allowing yourself to become paralyzed by fear. This card encourages you to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and be willing to take a stand.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 16, 2015 — Two of Batons

Two of Batons

Two of Batons

When you look in the mirror what do you see?

Self love is high on the agenda for you this month and you will take the good with the bad and plain ugly.

Today’s Moon / Neptune opposition can act to diffuse the barriers between your conscious and subconscious mind and open you up to more creative and inspirational thinking. But it can also have you seeing things that others cannot see or seeing them in completely different ways.

If you have something that you really need to look at properly without putting rose coloured glasses on to assess the facts, you will get down to the nitty gritty of deciphering that situation without sentimentality clouding your judgement.

If this is about you and how you are seeing yourself, your life and what you are doing with it then you will see that the past can carry you towards the future along with all the knowledge you have accumulated along the way.

Don’t be too harsh on yourself. There’s no use looking for flaws where they do not exist and it is far better to embrace your “whole” self… flaws and all… fall in love with what you find and take it from there.

Others may find you a bit self reflective but it is a time that you need for yourself to go inside and pull out from the depths of your thoughts what you need to carry you forward.


August 2015 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Ten of Cups

ARIES: Ten of Cups

This month you want to remember to count your blessings, knowing that you’ve come to a place in your life where you’re aware of what (and whom) truly matters most.

The Ten of Cups tells you that you’ve achieved something worth acknowledging and celebrating, as seen in the imagery of this card. It represents fulfillment and security; a solid foundation of abundance and prosperity, and the sense that you have built something you can take pride in.

This extends well beyond financial or material security. It’s more about family, lasting friendships and a sense of comfort — in your home and your community — surrounded by people you love.

In this version of the card, from the Morgan Greer Tarot, we see two strong arms — a man’s and a woman’s — lifting a golden chalice up in a show of harmony and unity.

A colorful rainbow pours into the chalice, while nine more cups are lined up like a staircase behind them, reminding us of the steps that have been taken to lead us to where we are today. The landscape behind them is serene and peaceful, with lush verdant hillsides and trees. Even the surface of the water is calm.

The Ten of Cups is all about embracing all you’ve established through your connections and interactions with others. It’s about happiness and security in the areas that matter most — with family, friends and loved ones.

This is not the time to think about what is lacking in your life but rather what makes it complete. And while you don’t want to be resting on your laurels, it’s important to acknowledge those who are most important to you and who keep your cup continuously full.

Free Daily Tarotscope — July 11, 2015 — Two of Sticks

Two of Sticks

Two of Sticks

Are you in need of more confidence and self-assurance these days? As Venus and Saturn inch closer and closer to their upcoming square aspect, you may be starting to feel overwhelmed by the weight of your own insecurities.

The Two of Sticks is the Rabbit Tarot’s version of the Two of Wands. He looks pretty dejected here out there in the middle of a snowstorm without a friend in the world. The sticks he’s carrying don’t seem heavy at all, but they’re somehow preventing him from moving forward.

This card indicates  a struggle with keeping things in balance in your life. You may have great ideas and plans for the future (as seen with the one branch held high in the rabbit’s hand) that get weighed down by practical concerns — money, time, scheduling conflicts, etc. Or you may be held back by a lack of faith in your own abilities.

The Two of Wands is traditionally associated with daring, courage and initiative — which this little guy could use in spades. And he’s going to have to find them if he wants to get out of the rut that he’s in; otherwise he’ll freeze to death under a blanket of uncertainty and doubt.

The Two of Sticks says you’re going to have to put your neck on the line sometimes in order to get what you want out of life. You can’t let your fears (of making the wrong move or not being fully prepared) get in your way. If you’re wavering over a decision due to your own insecurities, consider the consequences of not choosing at all. You risk squandering important opportunities if you let your fears hold you back.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 9, 2015 — Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Be on the lookout today for opportunities that are available to you which might not be so readily apparent from your current vantage point.

The Two of Wands speaks of having put an initial plan into action (with the Ace of Wands) and seeing it starting to gather momentum. It means that something has started to happen — something big enough to assure you that you’re on the right track, but not well-thought out enough yet to ensure that it’s a go.

Mars is in Aries now and moving into trine with Jupiter, giving you both the optimism and the energy to see your goals to fruition. But you may need to get some altitude — like the cat perched on the highest limb of this tree — in order to get the clearest overview.

We can see that the cat is both patient and alert — two of the most important (and necessary) features of the Two of Wands, which are both captured here in the simple imagery of this card. It’s the ability to balance these two qualities that makes getting to the finish line possible.

Notice that the lower branch is forked, indicating earlier missteps or changes in plans. The cat has wisely lept up to a higher perch where he can get a better view of the road ahead of him.

The Two of Wands encourages you to expand your horizons and reach for broader vistas. It speaks of taking a look at your long-term goals and acting on them with courage and conviction. You’re already seeing how some moves are paying off, and are now in a position to take things to the next level.

If you’ve been hesitating due to fear or uncertainty, now is the time to put those worries aside. The Mars / Jupiter trine says that all you aspire to is now within your grasp; you only need to muster up the confidence to go after it.

December 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Ceccoli Tarot

Aries:  Empress

It may be time to start treating yourself as a Queen and putting your own needs and wants first rather than doing what everyone else wants you to do and scrutinising over every decision and move you make.

If you were looking for a promotion at work you will need to be equally on the alert that you are not seen as someone who is not able to stand their ground and do what is needed.

Because while others see you as no threat they will pass by you and possibly go over you when it comes to a promotion at work which leaves you back at square one.

On the other hand if you are taking care of or nurturing someone else this is an excellent month for you as you seem to know just what to do or say at the right moment.

Relationships may be coming under scrutiny for you and your own place within the relationship being put under the microscope so to speak.

Don’t be afraid to make the changes you see needed change and don’t be held back by over analysing everything around you.

Everyone has the right to do what is best for them and from the image on this card there doesn’t look like there is any chance you would hurt someone in the purpose.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 23, 2014 — Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Two of Wands

Today it’s going to be all about taking an idea (Ace of Wands) and turning it into a plan of action. The Two of Wands speaks of believing in yourself and your goals enough to take steps toward making something happen.

Mars squares Jupiter today which can make you feel invisible. This aspect is courageous and daring but it can also be a bit reckless. As with all Twos, you’ll have to find a way to balance these two dynamics.

In this version of the card we see Jason — from the Greek myth Jason and the Argonauts — preparing to take the first steps toward reclaiming his birthright.

As with all Twos, this is just one part of a much larger and more complex set of goals. He doesn’t yet know where his journey will lead him, only that this first step requires both courage and initiative.

Here Jason stands just outside of Chiron’s cave, where he’s been raised since infancy. The Two wands are torches in this version, to be used for both protection and illumination.

Chiron is also going direct today. See him peering out from the shadows in his cave? This is a bittersweet moment for him. On the one hand he shares in Jason’s pride and enthusiasm for the journey he’s about to undertake; and on the other hand he knows he’ll miss and worry about him when he’s gone.

Chiron transits are similar in that they can help to clear and heal our emotional blockages (which is a good thing) all the while reminding us of how we acquired them in the first place (not such a good thing).

Chiron turning direct today can help us all become wiser and more aware of the synergy between that which has wounded us and that which brings us insight and clarity. Just as Chiron emerges from his cave to watch Jason set off on his grand adventure, we must all also be willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.