
August 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Revelations Tarot


Is there something you have been wishing, praying and hoping for?

The card of the Star shows that you can have what you want and possibly without putting too much effort into it as long as you don’t start worrying, striving and generally putting your thoughts and emotions into a state of unbalance.

The Star is a card of happiness… of wishes coming true. Think of the saying “wish upon a star” and keep it in your mind as you go after your dreams.

The halo of doves and stars surrounding the woman in the card as she simultaneously fills one water urn and lets the other urn flow out depicts a balance in not holding on too tightly to something and trusting that what you want shall be fulfilled.

The reflection within the water shows what happens if you go against this balance with the red, amber tones standing for anger, frustration and a general blockage to getting what you want.


July 2013 Tarot Scopes — featuring the Tarot of Trees

ARIES: The Moon

This month you may feel like you’re navigating through murky waters.

The Moon card has a lot to do with that which is hidden, beneath the surface, unconscious or undiscovered.

There is a strong emotional element inherent in this card. And while emotions are not something easily digested by Aries — particularly the “darker” emotions, such as fear, anxiety and insecurity — it’s necessary to explore them if you’re going to resolve the issues that have been hounding you.

But don’t let your imagination run away with you: there’s also some danger of reading too much into things, making mountains out of mole hills or even becoming suspicious or paranoid.

Use this time to get in touch with your emotions and to resolve whatever fears and uncertainties you have that have been holding you back.