
Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 8, 2014 — Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Three of Wands

Today as Jupiter goes retrograde you may be looking back on the events in your life that have led you to where you are today.

And while the Three of Wands is definitely more about “looking ahead,” you’d be well served to take into consideration the efforts you’ve already made toward meeting your long term goals.

Retrograde planets emphasize the internalization (retrograde) of the planets’ specific energies  — in this case Jupiter, which ties into personal evolution, spirituality and higher mind awareness. So the focus will be more about inner awareness and growth and than external processes.

And yet it doesn’t mean going it alone. As you can see from the images in this card there are always those who’ve inspired us, supported us and have had our backs along the way.

The Three of Wands speaks of seeing results from efforts we’ve put into a project or goal and being inspired enough from that progress to keep on keeping on. It tells us that we’re on the right path and that all we’ve done so far as not been for naught.

With this in mind, the Jupiter retrograde ties in as it reminds us to look back at not only where we’ve come from but the progress we’ve made along the way.

I love how there’s so much communal support in this version of the card. There are references to help and assistance (the falcon steadying the telescope for the rhino while he postulates on some important trivia) as well as standing on the shoulders of giants (the beetle and the bug).

This is what you want to keep in mind today while you think about your next moves. Jupiter retro makes for a good time to revisit, review and revise what you’ve already accomplished — and that includes acknowledging those who have made it all possible — before setting about to plan your next move.