Articles for this day of September 29, 2021

October 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with six planets in retrograde motion. That’s a lot folks, but the good news is that four of them will be going direct this month.

First, we have Pluto on October 6th going direct at 24° Capricorn 19′. That same day there will be a new Moon along with Sun and Mars, close to the Mercury retrograde for major Libra action. This is a very dynamic day so watch out for things that can trigger you into an anger situation as Mars in Libra is testy. Shift your response energy so you diffuse the situation.

Next, we have Saturn going direct on October 12th at 6° Aquarius 52′ and then Jupiter at 22° Aquarius and Mercury at 10° Libra will go direct on October 18th. Air signs get a boost from these planets with their transition from retrograde motion to direct.

Whew, what a relief that will be for any situation in your life that feels stagnant as progress is possible after this happens.

Venus enters Sagittarius on October 8th but will be close to the transiting south node for a few days so some things may not work out as you want them too. Wait a few days to make major aesthetic decisions or buy big ticket items.