Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 31, 2014 — Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Four of Wands

If you look back over the past year what would your greatest accomplishment be?

This image shows your imagination running away with you and perhaps there is something that was left out for you in 2014 that you wish to carry over to 2015.

Do not be concerned that you have failed in any way as the timing may have been that you laid down the groundwork for your dream over this last year and next year you can release you dream.

The garden (your plan) is well tended. You have laid out some very impressive groundwork in getting yourself started. The four pillars are lined with symbols of growth alongside the green beacons which further shine for you and give you inspiration.

The hill in the background is vividly green even under the light of a full moon at night and this implies that you will find the answers you seek for you plan without much need for more searching.

Help will come to you and that help will be both inspirational and practical. If nothing else today you should enjoy yourself and let your imagination soar. You may have put down the practicalities of the groundwork you need for your goals but what you seek for your next step is not so practical.

Like the Unicorn in this image it may require a little magical thinking alongside a wish or two.

Keep this in mind if you are tempted to rush into action today as sitting back and daydreaming may get your further than anything else you could possibly do today.


Today’s card  — Four of Wands — is part of the Fantastical Tarot by Parisian artist Nathalie Hertz. Nathalie also created the Faerie Tarot and the Vampire Tarot, published by US Games.

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