
Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 14, 2015 — Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

Today’s New Moon in Leo is closely conjunct Venus, the planet associated with love, harmony, beauty and femininity.

And what better card to describe this energy than one that brings together the joyous rapture of the Leo archetype with the lively spirit of a flaming fire goddess?

The Ace of Wands — this version from Roxi Sim’s gorgeous Pearls of Wisdom Tarot  — is all about manifesting your dreams and desires. It’s about taking your life in your own hands and following your bliss.

The woman in this card has emerged from a volcano that’s erupted in the distance and has forged her own path. She rises from the flames in victory, her wand held high overhead.

This is the energy you want to keep in mind as you work on manifesting your goals. It is that raw, pure, unharnessed energy that is the Ace of Wands as it changes energetically from spark (idea) to flame (intention) to contact (manifestation). It’s about increased confidence, drive and enthusiasm. Ardor. Vitality. Passion. Creativity. Power. Potential.

The Ace of Wands invites you to ask yourself what you really want to do that you can put your whole heart and soul into. It invites you to offer your intentions up to the Universe with every reason to believe you will be rewarded for doing so. With this in mind, it’s time to push all negativity aside and replace it with optimism and inspiration. If you’re truly serious about manifesting your desires, there is no time like the present to do it

Free Daily Tarotscope –May 10, 2015 — Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

Ten of Swords

Today’s card — the Ten of Swords — is traditionally associated with the concept of surrender. And with Venus inconjuncting Saturn right now, you may very well feel like throwing in the towel.

This aspect can see you feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about your own self-worth. Do you dare ask for help and risk the possibility of rejection? Do you make more work for yourself because you’re afraid to even ask? Or do you give up entirely and figure “what’s the use?”

These are questions you want to ask yourself as you can see from the image in this card — from the beautiful Pearls of Wisdom Tarot. The central figure is so beaten down and defeated — with the traditional Ten Swords all plunged into his back — that he probably doesn’t realize there’s salvation to be had.

His prone figure lies at the edge of a cliff, with his legs and feet hanging over. He could accept defeat and allow himself to fall into the abyss. Or he could rise above — where the air is cleaner and the landscape much more inviting.

Notice the spiral of energy that envelops him from above. It seems to emanate from the Moon at the top of the card, which combined with the clouds look like an angel reaching down to comfort and protect him. It encircles him and encourages him to rise up and extricate himself from his predicament.

You may have to face a painful reality today. You may have to let something go. But whatever it is, you will know that it’s no longer serving its purpose. There are indications here — just as there are in every version of this card — that the worst is over.

As hard as it is, you know what you’re up against: there’s no more fretting and worrying about the future (as that was left to the Nine of Swords). The Ten of Swords tells you that it’s time to put the past behind you, pick up the pieces and begin the process of moving on.


Free Daily Tarotscope — April 2, 2015 — King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

King of Pentacles

Today with the Sun trining Jupiter and Mercury trining Saturn, it’s a good day to be thinking about doing business. And what better card to represent this energy than the King of Pentacles — especially this robust and colorful King from the stunning Pearls of Wisdom Tarot?

The King of Pentacles is all about abundance, affluence, benevolence and an appreciation for the finer things in life. He (or she) is an enterprising, success-oriented individual, with a bit of the Midas touch, and an ability to attract wealth without either squandering it or spending it frivolously.

The King in this deck is clothed in the finest royal attire. He’s vibrant, spirited and energetic: you can see that he’s got places to go. Yet he’s also very open and generous.There’s not an ounce of stinginess or pettiness about this King.

If this is someone in your life, know that he’s here to teach you those qualities. Qualities like shrewdness, discipline and business acumen. If it represents you in your current capacity, don’t forget the little people: those who’ve helped you get to where you are today and have celebrated in your success.

Perhaps you’ve invested in a business that’s paying off financially. Or maybe you’re seeing results in other areas — as in a relationship that’s showing signs of renewal, or a child that’s blossoming under your careful guidance.

Whatever it is, you can be sure that it’s your skill and acumen that’s steering the course of success. Remember the universal laws attraction: they’re as present as ever in this card. You ‘ll need to shift your energies to those of gratitude and prosperity-consciousness in order to fully appreciate the blessings of this King.