We begin the month with an evening sight that is lovely to behold; a waxing crescent Moon and Venus conjunction at 28 degrees of Pisces, the sign of Venus’ exaltation.
They are visible after sunset in the western sky, weather permitting. Neptune and the north node are also present at this 28th degree of Pisces so there is a kind of mystical, feminine, creative and otherworldly quality to this blend of energies. It is a great time for going within to reflect on your hopes, dreams and wishes and consider the ways you want to manifest them.
The planets will continue to have a strong Piscean influence through the end of the month as Mercury and the Sun move into that sign after the 15th and 18th, respectively. Pisces energy is mutable, intuitive, sacrificing, sympathetic, mystical, artistic and sensitive so you may find yourself emotionally moved by other’s circumstances and plight, expect some sadness or tears to flow if you get triggered by someone’s story. Be generous and kind to others as you never know what someone is actually going through.
Venus moves into the sign of Aries on the 4th while Jupiter is also stationary direct at 11 degrees of Gemini on that day. Aries and Gemini energies are compatible so this shift should open up some action energy for you to move in the direction you want to go. More information comes to you and you can see the path ahead with more clarity, insight and motivation.