Happy Birthday Leo! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: This month’s New Moon — a partial Solar Eclipse — occurs on August 11th at 18° Leo 41.
Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on August 26th at 3° Pisces 12.
Retrogrades: Uranus turns retrograde on August 7th; Mercury turns direct on August 19th; and Mars turns direct on August 27th. Chiron, Neptune, Saturn and Pluto are all retrograde for the month of August.
Ingresses: Venus enters Libra on August 6th; Mars retrogrades back into Capricorn on the 13th; and the Sun enters Virgo on the 23rd.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: From the 6th Venus is in your love and relationship area. This should bring with it a breath of fresh air for you and your relationship. Of course you’ll still have Mars retrograde moving into a position which is not conducive in moving things forward in your life. However, if you focus on what you can have, rather than trying to push for more, then August can work out rather well for you. Venus is also in your love area from the 6th. After the 7th, Uranus turns retrograde and also serves to slow down anything that has been getting out of hand for you lately. This is a good time to look at your spending habits and balance the books. Jupiter is in the perfect position for you to do this. Moon in your love area 15th and 16th also comes into close contact to Venus making mid month a time for romance.
Moon in Aries August 2, 3, 29, 30, 31
Taurus — April 20-May 20: Uranus turns retrograde in your sign from the 7th. This should stop some of the craziness that has been your life the past few months since Uranus entered Taurus. However, August is not your usual month. There is still another eclipse to go on the 11th. Mars is still retrograde till the 27th and may be having the result of leaving you especially frustrated when it comes to doing what you want to do. It is in an especially freedom loving part of your chart which is also known for travel. This is not the month for you to plan trips or go travelling as Mars can seriously mess with that. Mercury’s retrograde till the 19th also brings into play Jupiter, which is in opposition to your sign and affecting your love life. This is not the month for you to try to get ahead but a good month for taking it easy. Moon in your love area 17th and 18th is not the time for serious conversations about your relationship.
Moon in Taurus August 4, 5
Gemini — May 21-June 21: With Mercury, your ruling planet, in your area of home and family this month then now is the time to focus on those nearest and dearest to you. For most of the month, until the 19th, Mercury is retrograde allowing you to make plans and see the bigger picture of what you want in life. There is also an eclipse on the 11th falling very close to Mercury’s degree of retrograde. Be aware of any problems that come about during this week as they will point to what you need to work on. It may not be the best time to take action but it will show you where you need to be focussed. Frustrations should ease by the end of the month when Mars retrograde turns direct and allows for your actions to finally yield the results you have been looking for. Moon in your love area 19th and 20th is a time to spend quality time with your partner.
Moon in Gemini August 6, 7
Cancer — June 22-July 23: The good news is that both Jupiter and Neptune will be forming a trine with your sign in August. This comes with the added benefit of allowing you to explore and delve into mysterious and gain insight along the way. The bad news is that Mars, which is retrograde, travels back into your relationship area on the 13th. This may bring up frustrations you had several weeks ago and whatever you try to do to set things right doesn’t work. As you also have two other powerful planets in your relationship area, Saturn and Pluto, you don’t want to go trying to force a change. Rather, wait things out until the Mars transit lifts later in September. Moon in your love area 21st, 22nd and 23rd brings extra joy when it comes to your relationship.
Moon in Cancer August 8, 9, 10
Leo — July 24-August 23: Possibly not the best month for Leos as the third and final eclipse over the last few weeks falls in your sign on the 11th. It is very close to Mercury, which is already retrograde in your sign, which means it is not the time for major decisions or taking action. Use the first half of August to plan your next move but don’t jump in before you have that plan in place. Mars retrograde is still going on over in your love area. You may find some relief from this after the 14th however it doesn’t mean you are out of the woods yet when it comes to barriers and frustrations being place on your relationship. As Mercury turns direct on the 19th you will feel the tension ease. Moon in your love area 24th, 25th and 26th brings with it a sense of new beginnings.
Moon in Leo August 10, 11, 12
Virgo — August 24-September 22: Vemus is in your sign for the first week of August, giving you a head start when it comes to your love life. As Uranus also now trines your sign you can expect the unexpected to start happening in all areas of your life. Be grateful this is a trine because that means the changes occurring should be positive and smooth when they come into play. For the month of August you also have Saturn forming a trine to Uranus and your sign which allows you to keep your feet on the ground if anything occurs which is too dramatic. Given that Mars is retrograde alongside Mercury then dramatic is going to be par for the course this month. Mercury’s retrograde occurs in an area of your chart which may not always show you what you need to see. This is a time to rely on your intuition. Moon in your love area 1st, 26th, 27th and 28th occurs just as Mars stations and turns direct at the end of the month. Pause, reflect and plan your next step.
Moon in Virgo August 12, 13, 14
Libra — September 23-October 22:
Your ruling planet, Venus, is paying you a welcome visit this month from the 7th. From that date onwards you should be feeling great alongside any problems you’ve been having in relationships clearing up. Use this time well as the eclipses and Mars, Mercury retrogrades which have been around may have unsettled things or you. Not all signs will be blessed to have Venus is such a good position in August. Uranus will retrograde on the 7th in an area of your chart known for insights. As Uranus usually bestows such insights with lightening speed then do not discount anything that you have intuitively been thinking. You may just find it is true. Moon in your love area 2nd, 3rd, 29th, 30th and 31st gives plenty of scope for you to spoil your partner.Moon in Libra August 15, 16
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: Jupiter’s position in your sign this month is being hit by a square from Mercury retrograde. You may feel this in relation to your work life and it is not the time to push ahead. Take note of any insights that come your way if you are thinking to change your job. Your thoughts are working in overdrive just now as Mars retrograde is in your communication area. This doesn’t mean that all your thoughts are relevant as they may be passing notions. However, you may have a few brainwaves in there that you wish to work on later. Just not this month. This is more the month to keep a low profile and allow it to pass. Moon in your love area on the 4th, 5th and 6th occurs just as venus moves into a much more creative part of your chart. Use this time to wind down from the stresses of the last few weeks.
Moon in Scorpio August 17, 18
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: The Mars retrograde is giving you a run for your money when it comes to miscommunications, especially until the 14th when it moves back into Capricorn. For the first 2 weeks of August you would do well to stay out of trouble and keep your mouth shut if you feel the urge to speak without thinking things through. Mars retrograde is also joined by Mercury retrograde this month and whilst Mercury is forming a lovely trine to your sign it still will not negate any words you say in haste, which simply cannot be taken back. After the 6th Venus is in a position to boost your love life and friendships. That is where you’d do well to focus your energy. Moon in your love area 6th and 7th helps put you in the mood for love.
Moon in Sagittarius August 19, 20
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: There’s a few heavy transits around for you in August. Mars retrogrades back to your sign on the 14th. This may bring up situations from a few months ago that were not resolved at the time. If this is the case then you have another chance to sort things out. Don’t push too hard for this to happen though as it may make matters worse. The end of the month sees Mars turn direct again which will be like a breath of fresh air in your life. The other transit you are experiencing this month is from Venus, planet of love. Whilst she is in a great position during the first week to benefit your relationship, she moves into Libra after the 6th and squares your sign. The results of this are frustrations when it comes to love and relationships. Moon in your love area 8th, 9th and 10th may not help matters, given Venus’ hard aspect to this moon.
Moon in Capricorn August 21, 22, 23
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: Mars is still causing havoc for you as it’s retrograde continues through your sign till the 13th when it retreats even further and back into Capricorn. August is a month where you should not be making any big decisions, especially if the outcome of these decisions relies on others. To add fuel to the fire Mercury also retrogrades in your relationship area till the 19th which will not be doing you any favours when it comes to communication with your partner. The eclipse on the 11th also falls in your relationship area very close to the degree Mercury is retrograde. Keep your thoughts to yourself and think them through carefully before sharing. Moon in your love area 10th, 11th and 12th is not the time for rocking the boat, rather it is the time for inner reflection.
Moon in Aquarius August 24, 25, 26
Pisces — February 20-March 20: August starts out in fine form for you with Venus in your relationship area during the first week. As the month progresses it may not be your love life you need to be so concerned about but rather your friendships. Mars retrogrades into this area of your chart on the 13th. Any problems you were experiencing a few months ago are likely to raise their heads again. The Mercury retrograde over in Leo suggests this is not the time for you to take action on things and you should wait the month out till Mars stations and turns direct on the 27th. Uranus in your communication area will most likely have other plans for you though when it comes to saying the first thing which is on your mind. However, this month try to stay out of trouble. Moon in your love area 12th, 13th and 14th occurs just after an eclipse which is another excellent reason to keep your thoughts to yourself till August has ended.
Moon in Pisces August 1, 26, 27, 28
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
August 2018 Monthly Horoscopes

Personal Consultations:
Hope you enjoyed your monthly horoscope. For a live psychic reading or astrological consultation, please feel free to email me at chrisalisreadings@hotmail.com.
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Hi. I was born on Nov 22, 1974. I am aware that this date falls under the Scorpio-Saggitarius cusp but I am always a Saggitarius. I see that your monthly horoscope has Nov. 22 under Scorpio. Can you please explain why? Thank you in advance.
Hi CM — I remember your chart was very ‘mutable’ — Sag Sun, Gemini Rising, Pisces Moon. Your Sun is 0 Sag, but you do have some Scorpio in your chart; as in Mercury, Mars and Uranus
As for why Nov 22 is listed under Scorpio, it’s because the Sun’s ingress into a sign on the cusp can happen at different dates and times each year. It won’t vary more than one day, but can add up to several hours, meaning that someone born on the 22nd may be a Scorpio rather than a Sag — as will be the case this November 22nd, for those born in the early hours.