Happy Birthday Aquarius! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: The New Moon occurs on February 8th at 19° Aquarius 15″.
Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on February 22 at 3° Virgo 33″.
Retrogrades: Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month of February.
Ingresses: Mercury enters Aquarius on February 13th, Venus enters Aquarius on February 17th and the Sun enters Pisces on February 19th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: Mars, your ruling planet, is in an area of your chart this month which may find you trying to dig up the answers to a few questions that have been on your mind. This may be easier said than done as by the end of the month, Mars will be at a degree in Scorpio which is linked to its retrograde in a few months’ time. Keep your eye on what is around for you in the latter half of February as it may set the tone for the next 6 months or so in what is a recurring theme in your life. Patience will be needed alongside the ability to not react as quickly as you would like to. Answers will come to you but they may take their own sweet time in coming out. The latter half of the month also finds you immersed in having fun with friends. Perhaps that is what you need to concentrate on.
Moon in Aries February 11, 12, 13
Taurus — April 20-May 20: Relationships may not be smooth sailing this month with Mars in this area of your chart. You may find yourself having to negotiate through arguments, whether they are of your making or not. Both Mercury and Venus find you in a happy mood for the first half of the month but this mood turns to work in the latter half allowing you to plough through your workload with relative ease. The moon is in your relationship area on the 1st, 2nd, 28th and 29th which kind of wraps up what February may be for you. A bit of an emotional journey, with up’s and down’s and also setting the scene for what you can expect over the next 6 months or so. Mars will retrograde in April but the effects for you will be felt before this. Specifically in your love life so this is not the time to rush in blindly with your demands.
Moon in Taurus February 14,15
Gemini — May 21-June 21: The latter half of the month finds both Mercury and Venus in an area of your chart known for great social times. As Mercury rules communication (and is now out of retrograde) and Venus rules love, then you can be sure that after mid February you can put behind you any problems you may have had in these areas of your life. Mars should be giving you the energy to go the extra mile at work, making it easy for you to meet any deadlines that may arise. The moon is in your love and relationship area on the 3rd, 4th and 5th giving you an added boost to get in touch with your emotions and allowing you to convey these to your partner. You may wish to stay close to home during the first week as Jupiter comes into close contact with the node. If you have been less than cooperative when it comes to family and home life recently then this is not a week to push your luck.
Moon in Gemini February 16, 17
Cancer — June 22-July 23: With both Mercury and Venus in your relationship area for the first half of the month you may find that this is where your thoughts are drawn to. Given, that you have just spent the last few weeks with Mercury retrograde in your relationship area you may have some catching up to do when it comes to communicating with your partner. If anything has been going wrong for you lately then Venus will help to clear the air and set you on the right course again. Of course it takes two to communicate so don’t allow it to be all one sided. As these two planets move into your area of secrets later in the month, you don’t want any misunderstandings still hanging around as they may take on more significance than needed. The moon in Capricorn on February 5th, 6th and 7th helps you see what needs to be fixed whilst at the same time puts you in touch with your own emotions.
Moon in Cancer February 18, 19, 20
Leo — July 24-August 23: Mercury is in your love and relationship area this month after the 14th breathing some new life into your love life. Given that Mercury has recently been retrograde this may be just what you need to set things back on track. It may be worth waiting until the second half of the month to bring up any topics of conversation with your partner that have been bothering you. Added to this, Venus also moves into your love area after the 18th. If you are single then February may prove to be a very fortuitous month for you when it comes to relationships. You may need to push yourself a bit to get out there and meet new people though because you won’t find someone by sitting at home. You may not even feel like sitting at home given that Mars is in that area of your chart. This may cause friction within the family or problems around your home life, which is another good reason to get outside as much as you can.
Moon in Leo February 20, 21, 22
Virgo — August 24-September 22: With Jupiter now retrograde in your sign and also in close proximity to the node in the first week of February, you may find that something from your past comes back to haunt you. It may be good or it may be bad but considering Jupiter is involved, it will not be small. With Mars in your area of communication your mind will be working six to the dozen. Try to slow down a bit and sift through your thoughts in case they get you into trouble. As Mercury and Venus trine your sign for the first half of the month you will have your feet planted on the ground when it comes to love and relationships. However, the latter half of the month is anyone’s guess as to what is going on. No important decisions should be made at that time, rather you should wait until things clear up and you are thinking more clearly.
Moon in Virgo February 22 (Full) 23, 24
Libra — September 23-October 22: Mercury and Venus will give you some good times on the home front for the first half of the month. Added to this, from around mid month, these two planets will also be giving you a boost to fun times. Make room for time to play and have fun. This is the time to get out and let your hair down, laugh a bit and not worry about anything. Venus in this position could bring a new partner into your life or strengthen an existing relationship. Mars is in your area of security and stability. This planet is not usually known for either trait but it is known for its energy and enthusiasm. You may wish to use this month to go over your financial position and make changes where necessary. The moon in your relationship area on 11th, 12th and 13th happens just as both Mercury and Venus are moving into position to put a smile on your face.
Moon in Libra February 25, 26, 27
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: The end of February finds Mars at a degree in your sign which is closely linked to its forthcoming retrograde. Keep your wits about you as to what transpires at this time for it may come in handy over the next 6 months. It may be that you are pushing too hard to get something done when you need to sit back and wait for a bit. Meditation could help you over this time as you will have the need to sit back and not react. Both Mercury and Venus are in your area of your chart linked to friendship for the first half of February, making friends a priority for you. Spend as much time as you can with them and also give yourself the green light to socialise more. Later in the month you may feel more laid back and just need some “me” time. Valentine ’s Day finds the moon in your love and relationship area. You can use this to make this day spectacular.
Moon in Scorpio February 1, 2, 28, 29
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: The first half of the month finds you in a practical mood as Venus and Mercury position themselves to have you looking at making your life a little more stable. This doesn’t need to be boring. Remember, Venus is the planet of love and also includes the little luxuries of life. A fine meal, a good wine and great company and conversation, compliments of Mercury can go a long way. In the latter half of the month these two planets change signs and as they do the energy around you will also change course. You may feel more like going out and being sociable especially as the timing of this coincides with the moon in your relationship area. Mars may be making you feel as if you don’t’ want to do much but if you time your social calendar well then February can play out very well for you.
Moon in Sagittarius February 3, 4, 5
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: With Mercury now out of retrograde and in your sign for the first half of the month you can get on with all those tricky little miscommunication problems that may have recently been plaguing you. Venus is also in your sign giving your love life a boost. Because of Venus’s close proximity to Mercury it looks as if this is a good time to communicate with your partner on anything that has been bothering. Of course, this communication doesn’t need to be about problems as Venus is the planet of love. It may just be that you have smooth communication when it comes to your emotions for the first half of the month. The moon is in your relationship area on February 18th, 19th and 20th (just as Venus leaves your sign). This will be a time when you are in tune with your emotions and hopefully basking in feeling as if you have come a long way emotionally.
Moon in Capricorn February 5, 6, 7
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: The new moon in your relationship area on the 8th should give you a clear indication of where you wish your love life to be heading. It is important you think of this in February because later in the month, after the 18th, Venus will also be in your love area giving you a once a year boost in sorting out your relationships. With Saturn currently in your area of friends and friendships, which are important to all Aquarians, then it may not only be love and relationships you are trying to decipher, but also friendships. Mars is giving your career a boost this month and no doubt you shall be busy with work. Try to give more time to your partner though as Mercury re enters your sign after the 14th and positions itself fully out of retrograde. Use this time to enhance your stance and communicate it appropriately.
Moon in Aquarius February 7, 8 (New), 9
Pisces — February 20-March 20: Friends will be important to you in the first half of the month so accept all those invitations and have some fun. You may even feel like planning a trip and doing some travelling as Mars moves through this area of your chart. Don’t expect too much time for preparation though as the trip could just happen on the spur of the moment. With both Mercury and Venus in your area of spirituality in the latter half of the month you should be feeling quite at home. Communication will flow smoothly for you and matters of the heart will take centre stage. Trust your intuition at this time for it will not let you down. The moon in your relationship area on February 23rd and 24th strengthens your love life alongside your intuition. Take note of anything that may be playing around your mind at this time.
Moon in Pisces February 10, 11
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
February 2016 Monthly Horoscopes

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