The month of May always seems positive by its very nature of springtime growth and the awakening of Mother Earth from the winter’s dormancy, plus it is my birth month!
We begin this month with 4 planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus) in earthy and sensual Taurus so comfort and beauty reign for the first 2 weeks anyway.
Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini on the 29th of the month, there is a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on the 26th and Saturn goes into its retrograde phase on the 23rd. The plot thickens as things must be reviewed or re-visited with the Gemini influence at that time…details, details, details.
Mars continues forward in the sign of Cancer and Jupiter enters watery Pisces on the 14th, creating a compatible blend of energies to accomplish your tasks. It is a sensitive energy, however, so gear your expectations to accommodate other’s needs in the equation.
There are difficult aspects with Mars and Uranus in the quincunx aspect to the south node from the 10th-15th, and also Saturn and the south node with Mars in the quincunx aspect as well. This is also known as a Yod, finger of God, aspect that can trigger events that can alter one’s fate. With Mars and Uranus, this can be an unexpected violent event that changes something essential in one’s life. Be aware of your surroundings during this time.
Saturn does its retrograde dance beginning on the 23rd at 13 degrees of Aquarius and travels back to just under 7 degrees in mid-October. What was started at the end of February needs more work but with a trine to Mercury and Venus in fellow air sign Gemini, it can seem like play.
Neptune is still at 22 degrees of Pisces and Pluto retrograde at 26 degrees of Capricorn which means there is opportunity for transformation if you commit to your vision. I mean really commit to it by changing your behavior in some positive way, then you will get results you desire.
Read your Sun sign and Rising sign for best information.
Aries — March 21-April 19: The energies of the month favor you feathering your nest in some way, either through home improvements or saving / investing money for future gains. With your ruling planet in the sign of Cancer in your solar 4th house of home and family, you are very much concerned with looking after your own interests and creature comforts. Best days to accomplish things are the 7, 8th and 9th of the month.
Taurus — April 20-May 20: This is a splendid time to make improvements to your appearance, or revise and refine your wardrobe and generally just attend to your own needs and desires. Pamper yourself a bit as parts of you may have felt very neglected during the pandemic restrictions and now need satisfaction! It’s time to get out and socialize more as well. Best days to relax and enjoy life are the 10th, new Moon of the 11th and AM hours of the 12th.
Gemini — May 21-June 21: With 4 planets moving through your 12th house of surrender, the subconscious, karma and how we sabotage ourselves, you will have several valuable epiphanies this month if you pay attention. This is all for your benefit so get the lesson and move forward. The full Moon Lunar eclipse on the 26th will help you understand your part in your relationship dramas and hopefully help you heal what needs to be healed within. Best days to do so are the 13th and 14th.
Cancer — June 22-July 23: Mars moving through your first house gives you energy and ambition for new things in your life. The 4 planets in Taurus moving through your solar 11th house of friends, worldly gains and new associations gives you the power to step out of your comfort zone and meet new like-minded people. This will feel wonderful after the last few weird years. What a relief! Best days to enjoy yourself are the 15th, 16th and AM hours of the 17th.
Leo — July 24-August 23: With four planets in Taurus in your solar 10th house you may be recognized with an award, given some accolade of accomplishment or get a very worthwhile project this month as you have some positive cosmic vibes heading your way. It’s not without some effort on your part to participate but it will be a good idea to do that. Saturn retrograde in your 7th indicate there’s a relationship issue that needs to be addressed as well. Best days to be well received when doing that are the PM hours of the 17th, the 18th and the 19th.
Virgo — August 24-September 22: This is a great month to take a nice exotic trip to some place you feel comfortable and at home in. Four planets in your 9th house fuel the desire to travel to somewhere exotic yet familiar to you in some way. You deserve some much-needed rest and relaxation, so thoroughly enjoy the adventure. Money should be stable for you right now so you don’t have that to worry about. Great days to have fun are the 20th and 21st.
Libra — September 23-October 22: Creativity, money, diving deeper into life’s mysteries are on the docket for your cosmic vibes this month. People, places, and things even have deeper significance for you as ponder mortality and the world beyond. Your children or creative projects with both advance and the recede a bit as well. Not to worry, it is not bad trouble but more like attention and pleasure with lots to do. Enjoy! The 22nd and 23rd are your stellar days.
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: With Mars (one of your ruling planets) traveling through its fellow water sign (Cancer) this month, you should be feeling peacefully energized. Take the time to appreciate the help you receive from others around you and particularly from loved ones and family members. Don’t forget to express gratitude to those who’ve had your back throughout the years. Your best days to enjoy life are the 24th and 25th.
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: Your ruling planet, Jupiter, enters its other planetary domain, Pisces. This bodes well for you making progress with your life and goals. Pisces wants to serve and improve the conditions of all beings, as well as the environment, so there will be opportunities to get involved in new groups that share that commitment. There’s a full Moon in your sign on the 26th so life could take a different turn for you over the next 6 months. Positive days for you are the full Moon on the 26th and the 27th.
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: Work, creativity, habits, pets and children all play a major part of the cosmic vibes for you this month. There’s more of a playful feel to it now than has been present for you in recent years. Enjoy the shift into a more sustainable energy for you. There are still some powerfully transformative events to come for you in the next few years, but for now the vibe is a lot less heavy. Share the love on the 1st, 2nd, the 28th and the 29th.
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: With Saturn (one of your ruling planets) in your sign and going into its retrograde phase this month on the 23rd, you will find that you have to back track on something you’d moved too fast on earlier. Not to worry: it will all be okay, as the upcoming Mercury retrograde in Gemini on the 29th will support double checking your facts and figures. Use the positive vibes to your advantage on the 3rd, 4th, 30th and 31st.
Pisces — February 20-March 20: With Jupiter entering your sign on the 14th, you will be feeling happier and more optimistic through the next three months than you may have felt in years. This will give you some power of attraction as you can expect gains in whatever house Jupiter is transiting in your own natal chart. Pay attention to signs from the Universe and prepare to be somewhat spontaneous. The lunar vibes favor you on the 5th and 6th.
Personal Consultations:
I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.
The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.

May 2021 Monthly Horoscopes
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!