Happy Birthday Libra! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: The New Moon occurs on October 13th at 19° Libra 20′.
Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on October 27th at 3° Taurus 44′.
Retrogrades: Mercury goes direct October 9th at 0° Libra 54′; Chiron, Uranus and Neptune are all retrograde for the entire month of October.
Ingresses: Venus enters Virgo on October 8th; The North Node enters Virgo on October 10th (which means the South Node enters Pisces on the same day); the Sun enters Scorpio on the 23rd.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: The new moon this month falls in your relationship sector giving you the chance to “begin anew”. After last month’s lunar eclipse, in your own sign, you may have a few ideas of where you would like to have a fresh start. With Saturn now in your area of adventure you may be feeling a little be tied down. This will add to your sense of perhaps wanting to break free from something which is holding you back. You have a lot of work on at the moment. Both Mars and Jupiter are travelling through this area of your chart and whilst they will be giving you the energy and staying power to get through the workload, you may also feel a little restless, as if something better is out there for you. As Mercury turns direct after the 10th all should be revealed and you should find yourself on a new and exciting path.
Moon in Aries October 26, 27
Taurus — April 20-May 20: This month’s full moon falls in your sign giving you the chance to shine the spot light on you alongside your hopes and dreams. Mars and Jupiter both in an area of your chart that spells out fun times ahead for you. Coupled with this Venus will also join in on the fun after the 9th which will hopefully also give you a boost to your love life. If you are single then October looks to be a month where anything is possible, especially the second half. If you’ve been experiencing misunderstandings at work, due to Mercury retrograde in this area of your chart, these should also begin clearing by mid-month. All in all it sounds as if you just hold out till the second half of October then you should be on a home run.
Moon in Taurus October 1, 27, 28, 29
Gemini — May 21-June 21: With Saturn now well and truly back in your area of love and relationships you can be excused for thinking you are in for a few setbacks when it comes to your love life. To top this off Mars and Jupiter are in your area of home and family which may not be sitting too pretty for you as you may feel frustrated whilst wishing to do your own thing. Mars can trigger arguments in the home and Jupiter can make these arguments bigger than they need to be. Fortunately for you, Venus is in your area of communication until the 9th which can help you smooth things over. After the 9th, as Venus joins Mars and Jupiter in your home and family area things should settle down as the planet of love casts her calming influence over you.
Moon in Gemini October 2, 3, 30, 31
Cancer — June 22-July 23: Mercury, which comes out of retrograde around the 10th, may have been causing you a few problems on the home front lately. For this reason you may be thinking there is not a lot to look forward to in the month of October. On the contrary though, you have a few things going for you this month in the form of Mars, Venus and Jupiter all coming together in your area of communication and no doubt giving a boost to your already vivid imagination. Mars and Jupiter are in this area of your chart the entire month. This will help you explore any new areas you have been hoping to learn about. With Venus joining these two planets after the 9th, which coincides with Mercury turning direct, you can be sure you will not be in for any boring moments. If anything, you may find you have your hands full.
Moon in Cancer October 4, 5, 6
Leo — July 24-August 23: Venus moves out of your sign on the 9th, giving you up until then to fix any problems you are experiencing in your love life. This may be easier said than done as Mercury will still be retrograde during these days. You may wish to use this month for getting back into “you”. This means not worrying about what others think you should be doing and just doing what makes you happy. With Mars and Jupiter in your area of security you don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you are having to defend yourself. On the contrary, this aspect will give you the will power to do what is right for you. As Venus joins Mars and Jupiter after the 9th you may find it even more imperative to stick to your guns on what makes you feel safe.
Moon in Leo October 7, 8
Virgo — August 24-September 22: September is a big month for Virgo! With both Mars and Jupiter in your sign giving you the energy to change what you don’t like, and in some cases, possibly move mountains. These two planets have a lot of power behind them. In other words “they pack a punch”. Make sure they are not packing a punch when it comes to turning your life upside down. Work with them rather than against them and you can accomplish almost anything. After the 9th Venus also moves into your sign. As Venus is all about love you may find you finally have the strength to make any changes you have been thinking about in regards to your relationship. These changes look to be on the positive side, because with Venus and Mars together in your sign… you can’t do a lot of damage.
Moon in Virgo October, 9, 10, 11
Libra — September 23-October 22: As Mercury has been retrograde in your sign for the past few weeks it will be good news to hear this changes after the 10th when Mercury stations and turns direct. You are not out of the woods yet though as it won’t be until the 25th when Mercury has travelled over all the degrees it was retrograde and comes out the other side… pulling you with it. As Mars and Jupiter are in an area of your chart that could be compounding problems of confusion for you then it may not be the month to put any plans you have into action. On the bright side, as Venus moves into Virgo, on the 9th you will have the chance to bask in the rays of the planet of love and enjoy yourself. This can be achieved through exploring artistic beauty and possibly the arts.
Moon in Libra October 12, 13
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: I hope you have been sighing with relief as Saturn has now well and truly moved out of your sign. No more retrogrades back into Scorpio. No more Saturn in Scorpio for approximately another 29 years to upheave your life. As Mercury retrograde has been moving through an area of your chart which may have had you left confused at times, you’ll be pleased to know that all of this will clear up by the end of the month also. The full moon on the 27th shines a light on your relationship just as Mercury should be giving you room to think more clearly. If nothing else, then October should prove to be a very good month for friends and friendships. Spend time with friends this month because it may turn out to be much more rewarding than you think.
Moon in Scorpio October 14, 15, 16
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: Saturn is now at the start of a few years in your sign. It may take you a while to get use to the energy of this wise planet and you may feel more serious than usual. Take heart that although Saturn’s lessons can be tough, they can also be very rewarding. Mars and Jupiter are in an area of your chart that should have you concentrating on your career and getting ahead. With these two planets you will have no end of drive and determination to reach the top. Any changes you were thinking to bring into effect in relation to your career then this is the month to do so. With Venus also joining Mars and Jupiter in this area of your chart after the 9th then you will have the charm and opportunity to turn your dreams into a reality.
Moon in Sagittarius October 17, 18, 19
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: Mars and Jupiter are forming a very pleasant aspect, known as a trine, to your sign this month. This means you will have the energy, luck and stamina to accomplish quite a lot. As this aspect is coming from an area of your chart that is linked to optimism then you should be in a very happy mood. Venus joins Mars and Jupiter after the 9th. So not only do you have a bright, happy month ahead of you, you also have it boosting your love life. And it is in this area that you may wish to concentrate your efforts because Mercury will not be doing your career any favours. You might as well give in to the fact that you are being forced to ease up on the reigns a bit and look forward to some rest and recreation. Not too much though… as Mars and Jupiter usually mean energy and enthusiasm are sure to abound.
Moon in Capricorn October 19, 20, 21
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: Saturn has just entered an area of your chart which may have your questioning your friendships and what this are based on. Alongside this you may find yourself faced with some new realities that may not sit well with you. Mars and Jupiter will intensify these emotions until the 9th when Venus gives you some relief from what may be weighing so heavily upon you. Not for you the problems of Mercury retrograde as it has occurred in a section of your chart which has been quite harmonious to Aquarians. You may have found yourself being able to get through a lot of work and, for the most part, been finding this period quite cathartic. The full moon is in your relationship area on the 7th and 8th happens just in time for the change in emotions Venus brings you on the 9th.
Moon in Aquarius October 21, 22, 23
Pisces — February 20-March 20: October should be a very pleasant month for you with both Mars and Jupiter moving through your love and relationship area. This means you can expect some fireworks when it comes to your love life. The explosive nature of Mars alongside Jupiter makes for a combustible combination where you never know what to expect from one minute to the next. Things should calm down after the 9th as Venus also moves into this section of your chart and should calm things down a bit. Emotions are smoother, tempers are kept in check and there is “feel good” mood around. Use this time to mend any rifts that may have occurred. Mercury will help you get to the bottom of a situation, just make sure that when you find the answers you are seeking that you are ready to hear them.
Moon in Pisces October 23, 24, 25
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
October 2015 Monthly Horoscopes

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