September 2023 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

September 2024 monthly horoscopes

There are quite a few planetary changes coming in September but it began at the very end of August with Uranus going retrograde on Septemeber 29 at 23° Taurus, a fixed feminine earth sign. Then, we have Venus going direct on Septermber 4th at 12° Leo, a fixed masculine fire sign and Jupiter going retrograde 13 hours later on at 15° Taurus, squaring Venus in Leo.

All three of these planets will be very powerful for the first two weeks of September as their rate of apparent motion slows when going from direct to retrograde and vice versa which makes them more powerful during that time.

People with natal planets close to those degrees in the fixed signs may find their focus turning to finance matters, like establishing budgets and managing their own personal money goals.

Fluctuations in circumstances are likely with Uranus in Taurus but the tide goes both ways, in and out so please don’t panic if something you counted on slows down or stops completely. The flow of the universe will fill that vacuum in due time. Stay positive and remain open to change.

Mercury is retrograde until Septermber 15th and will have its inferior conjunction with the Sun on Septermber 6th in its Rx cycle. Look for new insights about your life in whatever houses in your natal chart that Mercury rules and is transiting through. The time between the 17th and 20th has the Sun at 26° Virgo in opposition to Neptune at 26° Pisces which can make one very sensitive and hesitant to make a change but it can also bring in refined artistic insights, too.

The Equinox on Septermber 23rd with the Sun entering the sign of Libra will bring more balance and harmony into the cosmic vibe signature. Mars is already in Libra and moving from 3 to 22° during the month and moving towards a conjunction with the south node’s position at 24° Libra. This transit foreshadows possible events, changes or obstacles that the eclipse at the 21st degree of Libra on October 14th may usher in.

Saturn continues its retrograde path from 3° Pisces to 1° Pisces throughout the month. There is a bit of wait and see attitude here as obstacles, internally and externally, need to be cleared for your future path to proceed smoothly. Confront your fears during this time while you befriend and nurture your vulnerable self.

Pluto continues its retrograde cycle from 28° Capricorn 15’ back to 27° Capricorn 55’ of Capricorn and is very powerful throughout September and October as it stations on October 10th to go back into direct motion. It will dip back into the 29th degree of Capricorn in September and October of 2024 so we still have a year of its Capricorn influence to endure. At least it feels like an endurance to me!

Read your Sun sign and Rising sign for best results:

Aries — March 21-April 19: Your ruling planet, Mars, will be transiting your solar 7th house of partnership for the next six weeks. This can mean that your partner may get needy, cranky or somehow disengaged with every day life. In any event, patience and space will be required. With Venus going direct soon, women will have more clarity and patience to deal with relationship issues as they come up and quite possibly men, too, since Mars is currently in Libra. The 1st, 2nd , the full Moon on the 29th and the 30th offer special possibilities for you.

Taurus — April 20-May 20: With your ruling planet, Venus, going direct on the 4th, you will experience a big exhale as clarity starts to return. Hopefully you used part of the Venus retrograde time to do some introspection about your nature and your needs and were able to give voice to them. Venus in Leo wants to be seen and heard so there’s still time to do so as Venus is strong for the first 2 weeks in September. Jupiter and Uranus are also retrograde in your sign so expect some interesting opportunities, changes and people from the past to show up. Your stellar days are the 3rd, 4th and AM hours of the 5th.

Gemini — May 21-June 21: Mercury is retrograde until the 15th and you still have some time to get your house in order, so to speak, as Mercury and the Sun are transiting your 4th house of home, ancestors, your roots, and endings. There is a lot of stability in life for you for the next month but do pay attention to your professional arena as retrograde Saturn is transiting up there, awaiting your attention. It is Saturn’s mission to guide you into a better position of authority but you have to show up and do the work. Saturn doesn’t bestow his gifts without some effort or discipline on your part. The PM hours of the 5th, the 6th and 7th are your best days.

Cancer — June 22-July 23: This month may be a balancing act as 3 planets and the Sun are below the horizon and 5 planets and the Moon are very much in the top section of your solar chart for all of this month. Torn in two directions is how will you feel with family, siblings, money on one hand and profession, ideals, and business connections taking over the other hand. You’ll just have to flow with this energy and satisfy the demands as best you can. Take some time off for self-care on the 8th and 9th.

Leo — July 24-August 23:  With Venus about to go direct in your first house, that indicates you want to get out there and be seen and heard again. Venus is very visible as the bright morning beacon in the east, now rising before the Sun. Jupiter and Uranus, both retrograde and quite powerful now are in your 10th house so make yourself known and get your face and act out there! This is a long cycle for them so you have time but it is particularly potent in the spring of 2024 as they have a conjunction in your 10th house. This planetary pairing is very auspicious next April. Use the positive lunar vibes on the 10th, 11th and 12th to get your way.

Virgo —  August 24-September 22: With the Sun and the Mercury retrograde in your first house in a trine relationship with the retrograde and powerful Jupiter and Uranus in your 10th, there should be some respect and professional advancement coming your way, should you choose to take it. It could also mean you are thinking about and preparing for a new position or situation for the future. The spring of 2024 will prove to be a game changer for you. The 13th, new Moon on the 14th and the AM hours of the 15th are your lucky days.

Libra — September 23-October 22:  With Mars in your sign now and joined by the Sun after Sept 23rd, you are developing a different sense of your worth in relationships. This month may feel like you are doing some heavy lifting in certain areas of life, so you should ask for support when that happens. You can’t do it all well or with grace anyway. Pay attention to the vibes around the 29th and 30th as they may be significant to the events during the eclipse on 10/14. There are some major changes coming your way in the next 8 months. The positive lunar vibes in the PM hours of the 15th, the 16th and 17th are in your favor.

Scorpio — October 23-November 22:  With Mars in your solar 12th house for the next 6 weeks, you may want to be reclusive or work behind the scenes but Venus going direct in your 10th house means life demands that you be front and center and on display. Your 7th house of partnership is also activated by this energy as the ruler of that house, Venus is super powerful this month and powerful Jupiter and Uranus are currently transiting this house. It’s possible that your spouse could act out this public part instead of you but in either case, give yourself a breather at least once a week to recharge. You need some solitude as an antidote this month. The 18th and 19th are your stellar days.

Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: With Saturn at the bottom of your chart in the early degrees of your solar 4th house, there’s a gravity or seriousness about the family or an ending with some property or family member. There might also be a money situation that needs to be sorted out at this time. Things could get a bit changeable for your schedule so do watch your own health during this demanding time and don’t spread yourself too thin. Mars in your solar 11th house could mean you reconnect with business associates and organizations for the next 6 weeks or so. The lunar vibes on the 20th, 21st and AM hours of the 22nd are in your favor.

Capricorn — December 21-January 20: With Saturn currently retrograde and occupying your 3rd house there are family and sibling connections cropping up all over the place. While you can certainly enjoy all that has to offer with Jupiter and Uranus in your 5th house of fun, you are also feeling like you need to get things in better order. With Pluto retrograde in your first house, you have some more things to accomplish in the next 9 months to satisfy your inner critic. You’ve got time, don’t worry. Your best days are the PM hours of the 22nd, the 23rd and 24th.

Aquarius — January 21-February 19: With Jupiter and Uranus currently retrograde and occupying your solar 4th house there may be talk about moving, buying another home or maybe just improving the place you are in. This vibe continues for the next 9 months so you have time to sort out what you want and need to make a decision. Your concerns are financial and about making a sound decision for the next stage of your life so consult a professional about the choices under consideration. Experts know more than you do. What a shock to an Aquarian! The lunar vibes favor you on the 25th and 26th.

Pisces — February 20-March 20: With Jupiter, powerful and retrograde soon in the same sign, Taurus, as Uranus and transiting your solar 3rd house, there may be interesting changes taking place within your sibling network. There’s a culmination for that energy in about 9 months so you have time for this to work out, keep in touch with them. There’s advancement or demand with your career as Jupiter rules that house so you might be in high demand this month and through May of 2024. In any event, it feels highly favorable to you. Your partnership may be undergoing some tension in the next 3 weeks so take more time to listen so you know what is going on with them, don’t assume you know. The 27th and 28th are your lucky days this month.






Personal Consultations:

I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.

The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.


September 2023 Monthly Horoscopes

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