Happy Birthday Aries! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: The New Moon occurs on April 7th at 18° Aries 04″.
Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on April 22 at 2° Scorpio 30″.
Retrogrades: Mars turns retrograde on the 17th, Pluto turns retrograde on the 18th, Mercury turns retrograde on the 28th and Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month of April.
Ingresses: Venus enters Aries on the 5th, Mercury enters Taurus on the 6th, the Sun enters Taurus on the 19th and Venus enters Taurus on the 30th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: Last month there was a full moon lunar eclipse in your relationship area which has probably thrown all of your best laid plans on love out the window! April brings you a new chance to resurrect anything that may not be going too well in matters of the heart. On April 7 there is a new moon in your sign helping you to get back in touch with who you are and what you want. On top of this Venus, planet of love, also moves into your sign at this time and should help to undo any damage that may have been caused last month by the eclipse. With Mars, your ruling planet, turning retrograde mid month you have until then to put your plans into motion because, after that time, Mars could scupper anything you were trying to do and give you a lot of frustrations.
Moon in Aries April 6, 7 (New), 8
Taurus — April 20-May 20: Mercury moves into your sign after the 6th hopefully bringing with it a new way of thinking for you. If you have important decisions to make leave these to between the 6th and 18th as you may wish to take advantage of the small window of time you have during that period before Mars turns retrograde on the 18th, Mars in opposition to your sign. Mars can be difficult to negotiate at the best of times. When it turns retrograde it is as if all things build up around you to frustrate you and take their sweet time in turning out. As Mars will also retrograde back into Scorpio at various times during the next few months, this will affect your relationships and it is definitely not the time to be sitting down making new plans with your partner. It is more the time to be energetically working off some of your frustrations by engaging in physical exercise.
Moon in Taurus April 8, 9, 10
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Mars is in your love and relationship area this month which, on the surface, sounds great. However, dig a bit deeper and you’ll find that after the 18th Mars turns retrograde which only happens every few years. As this occurs in your love and relationship area you may be in for a bit of a bumpy ride over the next few months as Mars travels back and forth between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Anger issues and frustrations may become the new norm when it comes to interacting with your partner. If your relationship has been on shaky ground lately then you need to try to mend things sooner rather than later. By sooner I mean the first 2 weeks of April. If you don’t sort things out in that time then you will go into the Mars retrograde period with them hanging over your head which will do your relationship no favours.
Moon in Gemini April, 10, 11, 12
Cancer — June 22-July 23: If you have a large workload then April is the month to tackle it. Both Mars and Saturn will be in the work area of your chart during April. Saturn is retrograde for the entire month and Mars from mid-month onwards. It may be no small wonder that you feel as if you just want to buckle down and get on with what needs done and to hell with anything else around you. Not a bad attitude to have either as you will certainly have the focus to do what you need and with any luck this will set you on course for a little holiday further down the line. Even Venus is moving into a position in your chart that gives you the capacity to enjoy what you are doing when it comes to work. A little work now… will have huge payoffs later!
Moon in Cancer April 12, 13, 14
Leo — July 24-August 23: Venus will be in a strong position this month to bring something positive into your love life. The second week in April looks particularly good for this as both Venus and Mars form a grand trine with your sign. Venus in Aries, Mars in Sagittarius and your own Sun sign Leo. This will certainly not be a boring week for you. After the 18th though you may wish to pull back a bit when it comes to your love life as Mars turns retrograde and may bring a few problems with it… in the form of frustrations. At the same time Venus conjuncts Uranus which means anything could happen and probably will! Don’t make anything worse than it needs to be at this time and make sure you have a plan to deal with anything that may go wrong.
Moon in Leo April 15, 16
Virgo — August 24-September 22: Venus is in your love and relationship area for the first week of April so make the most of this while it lasts! With Jupiter retrograde in your sign all month you may be excused for thinking not a lot is going on around you. However, as Mars is squaring your sign this month and also turning retrograde alongside this then you may find you have your hands full with a few frustrations linked to your home and family life. Try to fix anything related to this in the first half of the month. If you leave it till the second half you may find you have more to sort out than you would have if you had originally tackled what was needed earlier. The moon in your relationship area on the 4th, 5th and 6th bodes well for your love life.
Moon in Virgo April 17, 18, 19
Libra — September 23-October 22: The first week of April finds Mercury in your love and relationship area so any discussions you need to have with your partner should go quite smoothly for you this week. Luckily, the remainder of the month also bodes well for your love life as Venus enters Aries (your love sector) on the 6th. This will highlight your relationship. Where you are in it, what you want for it and generally give you a happy go lucky vibe in maintaining the relationship through any up’s and down’s you have recently experienced. At the same time the moon will also be in your love and relationship area on the 5th, 7th and 8th April giving you another boost to what already looks like a month of love for you. Last month’s eclipse, in your sign, on the 23rd may have left you with a few problems but April looks as if you will be back on your feet in no time at all!
Moon in Libra April 20, 21, 22
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: The full moon in April hits off in your sign on April 22nd, shining a light directly on you. You may be feeling as if you want a change or ending something which is not working for you anymore. If you are thinking of making a change or ending then this is the month to do so. After mid April Mars turns retrograde and whilst it does so in Sagittarius it will eventually, over the ensuing months, return to Scorpio. This may cause you some frustration if you have not made the changes you were already planning to make. Venus is in an area of your chart after the 6th which should give you a lot of happiness. You need to make sure that this happiness is not short lived. Keep your wits about you and don’t put off anything that you need to be doing.
Moon in Scorpio April 22 (Full), 23, 24
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: Remember the transit that Saturn is doing in your sign for the past year or so? Well this month Mars is about to join Saturn in Sagittarius but not in the usual way. Sure it will travel into your sign but it will also stick around longer than usual as it turns retrograde on the 18th. What does this mean for you? Well Mars is a very energetic planet. It likes to get things done and get them done quickly. When it is retrograde it is as if things slow down a bit or obstacles are put in your path and you are not able to get things done as quickly as you would like. Add that energy to Saturn, a planet known for its slowness, and you have a recipe for learning patience. Therefore use April as a time to get use to this Mars retrograde energy because it’s going to be with you for a few months to come.
Moon in Sagittarius April 25, 26
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: You may feel a bit frustrated this month as Mars is about to turn retrograde in an area of your chart which is not known for transparency. If you have any important decisions to make do so before mid-month to give yourself the best chance of things running smoothly for you. Venus is in a position to boost any problems you have been having on the home front and indeed you may feel as if home is the safest place to be in April. You will certainly feel relaxed there alongside possibly looking at what can be done to improve your décor. The 13th and 14th finds the moon in your relationship area and may be a great time to suggest a quite night in, with a home cooked meal alongside candlelight. Don’t go running yourself too ragged this month. You’ll have plenty of opportunity for that in the future.
Moon in Capricorn April 1, 27, 28, 29
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: With both Mars and Saturn in your area of friends and friendship this month then you may find you have more on your hands than you bargained for. Whilst Mars gives you the green light to “go”, Saturn puts up a red light to “stop”. This means you may have a few problems with friends this month and it doesn’t’ end there. Mars turns retrograde on the 18th bringing with it all types of frustrations. You might be feeling as if it is time to bury your head in the sand but if you take a few precautions and don’t expect too much, then you should sail through this month and learn a few things along the way. Like who your real friends are. Venus is in your area of communication from the 6th and no doubt bringing with it smoothness to your interaction with others.
Moon in Aquarius April 2, 3, 4, 30
Pisces — February 20-March 20: Jupiter is still in your love and relationship area this month although it is now retrograde. This means you may be thinking more about your relationship rather than acting on it. For those of you born in the middle of Pisces this month may be particularly difficult as Saturn makes forms a T square to your Sun and Jupiter. With Saturn at the middle of this aspect it further reinforces the need for you to have some solitary time in order to get your thoughts clear on what you wish for you love life. Venus is in an area of your chart that allows for caution when it comes to matters of the heart and Mercury is about to move into an area that will give you better communication. However, even with these 2 planets on your side you may wish to just let April slip by without taking too much action.
Moon in Pisces April 5, 6
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
April 2016 Monthly Horoscopes

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