Articles By Melodie

About Melodie

Melodie is a full-time professional astrologer with a background in Psychology. She has been studying astrology for more than 30 years and has been teaching, writing and speaking professionally since 1995. For more information or to schedule a session with Melodie, click here:

Weekly Astrology Forecast — October 7, 2024 – October 13, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of October 7, 2024 – October 13, 2024:

We’ve got a lot going on this week, starting on Monday as the moon moves into Sagittarius, becoming the only planet in the Fire sign element for the remainder of the week. We’ve also got a planet changing signs (Mercury) and two planets changing direction (Jupiter and Pluto), a rare Yod configuration and a comet making its first appearance in the night sky.

On Tuesday, Mercury trines Jupiter and opposes Chiron well Venus trying to Mars. The trine to Jupiter is also a positive aspect, as Mercury and Jupiter are a natural planetary pair. Here we have two natural polarities — the natural rulers of the 3rd and 9th houses — joined together in harmony. We have Mercury — the planet associated with communications and ideas — trining Jupiter — the planet associated with benevolence, good will and generosity.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — September 23, 2024 – September 29, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of September 23, 2024 – September 29, 2024:

This week starts on Monday with Venus leaving Libra behind and moving into Scorpio. Venus is not always comfortable in Scorpio, the sign of its detriment. This placement is often misunderstood due to preconceived notions about how Venus (the planet associated with love, romance, affection and beauty) is supposed to behave.

There are many positive aspects with this placement, but because the dark side of Scorpio is prone to trust issues, jealousy, possessiveness and control, it can manifest as less than favorable. Still there’s more passion, depth, intensity and intimacy in this archetype than any other Venus placement, so don’t give into your fears. Let your guard down, open your heart, and be willing to take a walk on the wild side.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — September 16, 2024 – September 22, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of September 16, 2024 – September 22, 2024:

This week starts with Venus opposing Chiron and Mars squaring the North and South Nodes on Monday. The Venus / Chiron  opposition  describes a need to establish clearer boundaries and identify your own personal values reverberates. Are you struggling with doubts and insecurities about your own self-worth? Or are you striving to let go of associations that have held you back or prevented you from achieving personal fulfillment? These are Venus opposite Chiron motifs.

And then there’s the Mars / Nodal Square which can be volatile and unpredictable. In classical astrology, any planet squaring the Node is seen as being “at the bendings.” It’s said to indicate crisis, with emphasis on the concept of fate. As Mars represents energy, action and drive, this can be a high energy transit that manifests that translates as combative or explosive energies. Things can get heated — in both your personal relationships and on the planet — as Mars is also still out of bounds.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — September 2, 2024 – September 8, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of September 2, 2024 – September 8, 2024:

This week starts on Monday as Mercury trines Chiron, with the Moon joining in later in the day. This transit can It brings elements like compassion, humility and tolerance to the mix, which makes social interactions so much more pleasant. As both of Mercury and Chiron are in fire signs, the desire to take action and make things happen is strong.

And when you add the Moon to the mix, the capacity for understanding others and being able to put yourself in their shoes — as well as the ability to express genuine caring and compassion for those who aren’t always so easy to love — is greatly enhanced.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — August 26, 2024 – September 1, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of August 26, 2024 – September 1, 2024:

This week starts on Monday with a last quarter Moon at 3° Gemini. The last quarter moon is tied to career, reputation, professional aspirations, authority figures and how you may be perceived in the outer world.

While Gemini isn’t traditionally associated with these areas, there are plenty of positive attributes associated with the Gemini Moon. Insatiable curiosity for one thing. Playfulness for another. Wit, charm and charisma for a few more. Communications, ideas and plans are big. It’s also good for socializing and interacting with others. These are all areas that you’d be well served to pay attention to as we start the new week.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — August 19, 2024 – August 25, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of August 19, 2024 – August 25 , 2024:

This week begins on Monday with a retrograde Mercury conjuncting the Sun. This is an inferior conjunction, meaning that it’s passing between the Earth and the Sun. It’s also “combust,” or so close to the Sun that it’s obscured by the Sun’s rays. The exact conjunction is referred to by classical astrologers as “cazimi,” which means in the heart of the Sun.

This is a powerful condition, with the cazimi planet’s influence generally seen as heightened and energized by the Sun. But because Mercury’s retrograde and is essentially “hidden” by the Sun, this aspect can be somewhat problematic. The main thing to watch for is information that is hidden or lacking, which can result in making ill-informed decisions, especially given Mercury’s retrograde status.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — August 12, 2024 – August 18, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of August 12, 2024 – August 18, 2024:

This week starts on Monday with Venus inconjuncting the North Node, while simultaneously semi-sextiling the South Node. This aspect can see you feeling at odds between what you value (Venus) and what you see as your life’s purpose (the North Node). The key with any inconjunct aspect is to find a way to make adjustments to satisfy both areas. In this case it calls for you to align your ideals with what you see as your calling.

This is a good time to get out under the stars for what is usually a site to behold: the Perseid Meteor Showers, which are visible at this time every year. They should be visible from around 10 pm until sunrise, after the Moon has set.

The same can be said for the next few days as well; you should be able to see up to almost 100 meteors per hour in the early morning hours of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (especially just before dawn. 

The Moon is in Scorpio on Tuesday until around 9 am when it goes void of course for an hour and then moves in the Sagittarius. There’s not a lot happening with that Moon other than a square to Mercury which can briefly exacerbate problems with communications. Remember that Mercury’s retrograde, and when you pair it with a square (90° aspect) involving the Moon, you’re likely to see people getting defensive or taking things too personally.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 5, 2024 – August 11, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Aug 5, 2024 – August 11, 2024:

We start this week with Venus moving into Virgo on Monday, just as Mercury — also in Virgo — goes stationary retrograde. Venus is said to be debilitated in Virgo, as it is the sign opposite Venus’ natural Exaltation, Pisces. As such, Venus is not particularly comfortable in Virgo, where the naturally romantic, self-indulgent, partnership-oriented archetype struggles to express itself through the analytical, perfectionistic, service-oriented Virgo filter.

Venus is the “love” planet, representing how you give and receive love and affection, as well as what you find aesthetically appealing. What’s attractive to you? And how do you express love and affection? It also rules “money” as in earning potential and income, how you handle money, what you spend it on, and whether you’re attracting it to you or seeing it run through your fingers like water.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — July 29, 2024 – August 4, 2024


Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of July 29, 2024 – August 4, 2024:

This week starts with a waning crescent Moon in Taurus on Monday. This is an extremely favorable placement for the Moon as Taurus is a sign of its exaltation. It’s also involved in several harmonious aspects to the outer planets — Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — throughout the day.

The Moon moves into Gemini just before 10 pm UT, and forms another harmonious aspect to an outer planet (a trine to Pluto), which is also the last lunar aspect of the day. The Moon in Gemini shifts the focus from comfort and relaxation (Taurus Moon) to interaction, social engagement and the exchange of ideas. While it may keep you up — thinking, ruminating, brainstorming, etc. — it’s great for organizing your thoughts and ideas and putting together a new course of action.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — July 22, 2024 – July 28, 2024


Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of July 15, 2024 – July 21, 2024:

We’ve got a lot going on this week, starting on Monday with the Sun trining Neptune and Mars trining Pluto. Starting out with the Sun / Neptune aspect, you may find that you’re more sensitive to outside influences and also more susceptible to psychic impressions. 

This could be reinforced by the fact that both planets are at the 29th or “anaretic” degree. This degree — the last degree of any sign — is known as a critical degree and is said to be associated with fate. With the Sun involved — especially in watery, sensitive, emotional Cancer — it can indicate a need to work through early childhood traumas and bolstering your self-esteem. Neptune encourages you to heed your inner voice and set aside your limitations, especially those that have been self-imposed.

August 2023 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

August begins with a full Moon in Aquarius on the 1st, a masculine, fixed air sign. It is the only air sign represented in this lunation with the most elemental placements going to earth with five, followed by fire and water, both of which have 2 planets. This earthy signature shows support for grounded action of a practical nature as the way to take advantage of this energy for the next two weeks. Finish what you start, be reliable and take care of your personal space.

The first 18 days will be dominated by the Venus retrograde placement in late Leo as she now moves into a square to Uranus in Taurus as well as being inconjunct Neptune in Pisces and Pluto in Capricorn. You may feel a lack in resources or have some additional expenses show up that you weren’t expecting. Remember it is just a temporary condition and juggle things around as needed.

Venus is with fixed star Regulus so there will be unusual news about famous people, people in power and the financial markets as well. Relationships could get a little odd or prickly at this time so respond to the present moment and stay out of judgment. Venus in Leo values independence and attention so cut some slack and give some space to your loved ones while dishing out some appreciation and praise. Venus retrogrades back to 12 degrees of Leo by the end of the month and will go direct on September 3rd at 12 degrees 12’ of Leo.

January 2022 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

gypsy palace king of pentacles

Aries: King of Pentacles

This month, with five planets (and the New Moon) in your 10th house, you’ll be focusing on career and your plans for the future. You might be thinking about starting a business, feathering your nest, or looking for ways to establish security for you and your loved ones.

This is the King of Pentacles from the Gypsy Palace Tarot. He’s a robust and colorful King. He’s clothed in the finest royal attire. He’s vibrant, spirited and energetic: you can see that he’s got places to go. Yet he’s also very open and generous. There’s not an ounce of stinginess or pettiness about this King.

The phrase “if you want something done you may as well do it yourself” speaks directly to you, but may not always be in your best interests. If you struggle with trusting that things will get done without your input, keep in mind that giving up control and allowing others to show you what they’re made of can benefit you more in the end.

This may be someone coming into your life and if so, know that he or she is there to teach you those qualities. But if, on the other hand, you’ve been focusing too much on what you lack or what’s been missing in your life, it’s time to rethink the messages that you’re sending out to the Universe.

Remember the universal laws attraction: they’re as present as ever in this card. You ‘ll need to shift your energies to those of prosperity-consciousness and gratitude in order to fully appreciate the blessings of this King.