Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 3, 2015 — Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

Two of Pentacles

Today you may find yourself juggling all of the different areas in your life and trying to find ways to maintain some sort of equilibrium in the process.

You will need to be flexible and adaptable, as well as being able to shift from one task to another without losing focus.

The “Pentacles” the figure juggles in this version of the card are not Pentacles at all — although in her world they may very well serve as currency. She’s juggling buttons, balls and clothes pins. She stares off into space — never losing focus (although the same can’t be said for her head).

Maybe she feels confident because she’s off in her “zone.” Or maybe she’s so invested in trying to balance out her priorities that she doesn’t even notice it. One thing’s for sure: if she loses her concentration and ends up dropping one of those balls, everything she’s striving for will fall out of balance.

In the context of this card Pentacles refers to more than just money. While it can mean juggling funds — robbing Peter to pay Paul and seeing money go out as soon as if comes in. And these are certainly possibilities you want to be aware of. But it can also refer to tasks, commitments and external obligations.

It could be work and responsibilities vs. pleasure and play. It could be relationships vs. autonomy. Or it could even be up time (productivity) vs. down time (rest). Whatever it is, you don’t want to be so focused on weighing your options that you lose sight of what’s going on around you.

Think about what you need to balance in your own life today as opposed to what deserves your undivided attention. It may require levels of skill and dexterity that you didn’t even know you had. If you can pull it off though and find ways to satisfy one area without neglecting the other, it should be tremendously rewarding for you in the end.





Today’s tarotscope — Two of Pentacles — is part of the Ceccoli Tarot series by Nicoletta Ceccoli

Nicoletta Ceccoli is a prolific and acclaimed painter whose richly detailed, dreamlike work has earned her fans all over the world.

Limited edition prints of her beautiful artwork is available for purchased through AFANYC.

This is a Lo Scarebeo deck, published by Llewellyn.

Please also visit and “like” the deck’s Facebook Fan page. 

Used by generous permission. 



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