Three of Pentacles
You may feel like things are starting to come together for you today as you see your plans beginning to fall into place.
It’s a good day to put your head together with like-minded people and work on bringing a project to fruition. The Three of Pentacles is a “teamwork” card, among other things.
This card is about hitting your stride and seeing the early results of something you’ve been working hard on. Sometimes you need help to take it to the next level, even if that comes in the form of a critical eye.
The Three of Pentacles — like all Threes — refers to the initial stages of progress where you’ve taken an idea (the Ace), put it into production (the Two), and see it turning into something of value (the Three).
This version of the card — from Dana Driscoll’s gorgeous Tarot of Trees — depicts this energy beautifully in its stark simplicity. The three trees merge together in the center, their pentacles melding into one and supporting one another at the top.
The Three of Pentacles says that you’re making progress and should be feeling good about what you’ve accomplished so far. But there’s still work to be done, and you won’t be able to do it alone. It’s a good time to reach out to others and ask for help if you need it. It can’t hurt to offer it to those who’d benefit from your assistance too. You may need a little push to get past a hump, or you may need the discerning eye of someone you trust.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Three of Pentacles — comes from the Tarot of Trees designed by Dana Driscoll.
Available for purchase through the Tarot of Trees website.
Please also visit and “like” this deck’s Facebook Fanpage.
This deck is also now available for iPhone/iPad and Android devices.through the Fool’s Dog website.
Used by generous permission.
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