Ace of Wands
As Saturn has now left Scorpio and entered Sagittarius there is a definite difference to the energy around.
It is as if you have been released from the constrictions of the past few years and there is a brighter future coming your way. Sagittarius always has a way of making everything seem brighter and more positive and this is right in line with the energy of the Ace of Wands.
Any new project you are thinking of starting now would be a great time to begin.
The image on this Ace of Wands suggests there is a correlation between what you are thinking of doing on a higher level and bringing it into your life. If this is the case it will not be difficult.
Things will fall into place for you almost seamlessly as your thoughts and actions correlate to what is around you and help comes from unexpected sources.
There is an abundance of energy for you whether this be physical or mental and with this energy plus more importantly you are able to channel this energy into whatever you are doing. This is a good day to plough through your workload.
If you have been falling behind with your work this is the day to get on top of that. If you look at the image there is a sense of “as above, so below” as the energy is interconnecting between the Wand.
This also gives a sense of balance to your life today as you are blessed with a sense of rightness in what you are planning to do.
Great ideas start with a small spark and I suggest you follow your heart with any small spark that comes your way today… you never know where it will lead you.
It is no coincidence that we also see Mars trine the node today giving a sense of fate to the energy you are experiencing.
Today’s card — Ace of Wands — is part of the Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Lösche and Jean Huets.
Norbert Lösche is a phenomenal artist whose extensive body of work is well worth checking out.
Jean Huets is a prolific writer who has published numerous books on tarot and other subjects.
This deck was published by U.S. Games.
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