Black Tortoise Seven
Today you might find yourself up against what seems like an insurmountable obstacle that you’re going to have to use discipline, strategy and cunning to see yourself through.
This is the Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Seven of Wands. It focuses more on the barriers that stand in your way than on the conflict and combativeness that’s usually associated with this card.
The Black Tortoise in this card gazes through the rungs of a locked gate at a mountain range in the distance. He may be longing to escape, or he may be pausing to consider more creative solutions to crossing over to the other side.
But it’s all a matter of perspective. Is he really locked out? Or is he safe in the confines of his own kingdom, protected from the turbulent storm clouds that are brewing in the distance.
The Seven of Wands — like all Sevens — is associated with strategies and decisions. And as the Sun sextiles Uranus today, you should be doing the same. Looking at your situation from all sides and figuring out the best course of action.
There is a “hold your ground” element to this card which is in keeping with the traditional Seven of Wands. But rather than fighting off someone trying to unseat you, you may be fighting off your own urges to see the grass as greener on the other side.
Think about what’s been obstructing you in your own quest to reach your goals. As there’s an expanse of water (emotions) between the gated ledge and the mountains across the way, there’s more than likely an emotional component at work here.
You may have to explore uncomfortable feelings or conquer hidden fears. Whatever it is, know that you do have the tools at your disposal. The Black Tortoise Seven requires you to consider solutions that might not be readily available as you plan your next move.
Today’s card — Black Tortoise Seven — is from the Feng Shui Tarot by Eileen and Peter Paul Connolly.
Eileen is a prolific writer who has penned several other tarot books and has joined forces with her son Peter Paul once before on the Connolly Tarot.
Both are highly recommended.
This deck is published by US Games.
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