Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 8, 2014 — Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Today you may find yourself bonding intimately — or strengthening an existing bond — with another.

The Two of Cups speaks of falling in love, finding your other half, or connecting with another on such a powerful level that the two become one.

This isn’t necessarily a love-connection. It can refer to a sisterhood, a business partnership, a parent/child relationship or some other deep bond. It refers to the “sum of the parts being greater than the whole” axiom, which reminds us that two heads (and hearts) are better than one.

In the context of romance though, this is a very passionate depiction. The trine between Venus and Pluto today can intensify your encounters with prospective partners, as it lends a smoldering sexual undertone to those connections.

They say opposites attract and nowhere is that more evident than it is in this rendition of the card. We see a skeletal figure dressed in lavish royal garb. He commiserates seductively with an under-dressed and blackened representation of night (or “midnight” judging from the clock in the background). A crescent moon hangs low in the sky between them.

Has he impregnated her? She places a protective hand over her swollen womb. Droplets of blood collect on the floor, implying that he’s also stolen her virtue. This is not an unwelcome seduction though. They’re in this together.

Notice the wine goblets (the Two of Cups) in their entwined hands. The goblets are raised in union — and communion — further strengthening those bonds. They’re joined together by more than just the ribbon encircling her ankle.

Like these two figures, you may find yourself on the verge of a passionate, all-consuming affair. It can be riveting and it can be intoxicating, and as long as you keep your wits about you, it can also be a life-altering experience.


The card used for today’s tarotscope — Two of Cups — is part of the Deviant Moon Tarot, designed and created by Patrick Valenza. There is also a borderless version of these cards out now. Published by US Games. For more information on his deck and to purchase them, please visit the Deviant Moon Tarot website as well as his facebook fan page. Thank you Patrick!  

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