Aries: The World
You should be feeling like you’re on top of the world this month, with five planets — including the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and the New Moon — in your sign. This is going to be a great time to prepare for the next chapter in your life, which may also require you to tie up some loose ends.
If you took stock of what’s changed for you in the last year (from one birthday to the next), you might be surprised at how has happened. And the World card tells you you’re right on the verge of checking those things off your bucket list and preparing to tackle more.
This is the World card from the Jaen Tarot. It’s the last card in the deck, completing the Fool’s journey. As such, this card speaks of achievement, fulfillment, integration and completion.
And just like the Fool, you’re now coming full-circle, from instinct to essence to progress to development, as you come to the end one cycle and prepare to embark on a new one.
You could be finishing a course or internship, tying up lose ends on a project that you’re ready to launch, putting a failed relationship behind you and getting back into the dating scene, finishing (and feeling good about) a self-improvement regimen. The possibilities are endless.
The World card is a card of both fulfillment and completion. With that in mind, it’s time to put the finishing touches on projects that are almost finished, and also time to rest anything that just didn’t pan out for you. You’re preparing to start a whole new journey, and in doing so will want to with as clean a slate as possible.