Five of Wands
You may find yourself at odds with others today, either arguing your point with a loved one or embroiled in a heated debate with a group of people who all have differing opinions.
In general, Fives represent conflict and discord; and this one adds layers of passion and intensity (Wands) that is wont to escalate into all out war-fare.
Petty squabbles can erupt into major arguments because no one’s actually listening to what anyone else has to say. And this version of the card makes it clear: most of these aren’t “won” by the one who makes the most convincing point, but rather the one who wields the biggest club.
The important thing to remember is that most disagreements are based on misunderstandings in the first place. The inability to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes –coupled with the need to be heard — is behind almost every argument out there. And this combination can be a recipe for disaster.
There may be certain topics that ought to be automatically off limits today. Like politics and religion. Not because they’re unimportant, but because everyone involved is going to be already so invested in their own point of view that absolutely no progress can be made.
Hold off on the confrontations at home today as well. For the same reason. The Five of Wands challenges you to channel your frustrations into something more productive than just taking them out on another.
Notice that the clubs in this card are all sprouting leaves. There are ways to turn anger and frustration into opportunities for growth. It calls for a willingness to listen and to cooperate with those you may not always agree with. These are precisely the qualities you want to work with today.
Today’s tarotscope — Five of Wands — features the Morgan Greer Tarot, by Susan Gerulskis-Estes (Author) , Lloyd Morgan
(Creator) and Bill F. Greer
(Illustrator). Published by US Games.
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