Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 3, 2015 — Two of Cups

Two of Cups

Two of Cups

With Venus and Mars conjunct today and rising together in the early morning sky, love is in the air for all of us.

Whether you’re in an established relationship, starting something new, or just out there looking, now is the time to let someone you care about know it.

The Two of Cups is all about falling in love — either opening yourself up to new experiences or reigniting a connection with someone you’re already involved with.

It’s this process of falling in love that reveals to us ourselves at our very best. It’s where we put our best version of ourselves forward and the Universe responds by opening up unanticipated doors.

The Two of Cups is known as the “Love” card as it refers to that love at first sight sense of finding your other half. It’s a marriage or union of opposites, as seen in this version of the card from the Arcus Arcanum Tarot. 

It’s the mutual attraction card, the “soul mate” card, and so much more. It’s the process of falling in love or renewing a love connection that replenishes itself over time.

There’s a synergy that pulls two people together and echoes their feelings back to one another. In this respect the Two of Cups is more about falling in love with yourself, as seen through your loved one’s eyes.

If you meet someone new today consider it an opportunity for growth. It could be the yin to your yang — or it could just be a friend who shows you the true meaning of the word. You may also be working on revamping your current connection or reuniting with a loved one. Whichever it is, be grateful for the opportunity to see yourself through someone else’s eyes.






The card used for today’s tarotscope — Two of Cups — comes from the Arcus Arcanum Tarot series by Gunter Hager (Author) , Hansrudi Wascher (Illustrator).

This deck is published by US Games and is currently out of print. 

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