Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 11, 2014 — Three of Swords

Three of Swords

Three of Swords

Today — with the planet of love (Venus) in opposition to the planet of upheaval (Uranus), you may be reeling from an emotional upset that’s left you feeling abandoned or rejected.

The Three of Swords refers to a shock to the system brought about by the realization that something must come to an end. It’s not an easy card, nor is the experience it refers to something that anyone looks forward to going through.

But it’s a necessary experience, in the sense that it’s the culmination of a loss that’s been building for some time.

Even though it can feel like a shock to the system, chances are good that you’ve sensed something was on the horizon anyway and are just now having to deal with the backlash.

In this version of the card, we see a shabby paper heart stuck to a tree by three puny swords. The tree itself doesn’t look to be in good shape — even though the leaves are green, they’re drying up and falling to the ground.

The Three of Swords in general refers to feelings of sadness, loneliness, suffering and pain.The classic interpretation involves a breakup: something (or someone) has been lost that cannot be regained. It can also refer to unrequited love, the loss of a friendship, or the realization that something you’d hoped for is just not going to manifest.

But if you look at it within the context of the imagery in this card, you can see that it never was “real” in the first place. The heart is made of paper, the swords are flimsy, and even the tree has seen better days.

What might be experienced as a minor upset for someone else may feel like a knife in the heart for you. And as Mercury also conjuncts Chiron today, you may be able to reference earlier heartaches to offer solace to others.

Whatever loss you’re dealing with today, try to see it for what it was and be grateful that it’s over. You can make the best of it by choosing to pin your hopes instead on something more substantial.



prairie-tarot-setThe card used for today’s tarotscope — Three of Swords — is part of the Prairie Tarot series, designed and illustrated by the phenomenal artist Robin Ator.

This deck is self-published by Glow in the Dark Pictures

This deck is also available for IPhone, IPad and Ipod Touch through the Fool’s Dog website. 

Used by generous permission.

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