Happy Birthday Cancer! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: This month’s New Moon — a partial Solar Eclipse — occurs on July 13th at 20° Gemini 41.
Full Moon: The Full Moon — a total Lunar Eclipse — occurs on July 27th at 4° Aquarius 44.
Retrogrades: Chiron turns retrograde on July 5th, Jupiter turns direct on the 10th, Mercury turns retrograde on the 26th, Neptune, Mars, Saturn and Pluto are all retrograde for the entire month of July.
Ingresses: Venus enters Virgo on July 10th and the Sun enters Leo on July 22nd.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: July begins with Mars, your ruling planet, already retrograde in an area of your chart linked to friendships. For this reason you need to be careful when dealing with friends and/or groups as there may be a lot of frustrations around. Be alert to this especially the first week of the month, as Mercury is opposite Mars at that time which can make matters worse. It will also not be helped by a total eclipse on the 27th which may have the effect of turning what should’ve been a small problem into a larger one. Moon in your love area 18th, 19th and 20th looks to be some of the nicest dates for you this month. Focus on your thoughts to take you in the direction you wish to go.
Moon in Aries July 6, 7
Taurus — April 20-May 20: You may be feeling slightly restless this month as several aspects hit your area of communication and your need for freedom. On the 12th an eclipse in your third house may see you on the wrong end of miscommunication. Added to this is a Mars retrograde, in your ninth house, and you have the makings of putting your foot in your mouth before you know what is happening. Think before you speak around this time, especially as it may all come back to haunt you at the end of the month when Mars is hit with a full moon eclipse on the 27th. After the 11th, Venus is beautifully placed to do wonders for you love life. Moon in your love area 21st and 22nd will help you to smooth over any problems you may have been having with your partner.
Moon in Taurus July 8, 9
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Mercury and Venus are in your area of communication this month. Venus will be there till the 11th which is just before an eclipse hits on the 12th. This will be a month where you need to have your wits about you. Mercury, your ruling planet, will also retrograde on the 26th, a day before the next eclipse hits on the 27th. It seems that you have a lot of thinking to do this month yet action may not be what is required. The eclipses can mess with your plans and also throw your using way of thinking things through out the window. Luckily for you the Mars retrograde is trining your sign giving you may be having an easier time than most. Keep this in mind when dealing with others as all may not be what it appears to be on the surface. Moon in your love area 23rd and 24th is a time to catch your balance when it comes to emotions.
Moon in Gemini July 10, 11
Cancer — June 22-July 23: Both Mercury and Venus are in an area of your chart this month which can lead to more security in your life. Venus is helping you with this until the 11th and Mercury is there all month, albeit after the 26th it will be in retrograde. Not to worry though, as this will just help reinforce where you need to be when it comes to balancing the books. A new moon eclipse on the 12th may spell the beginning of a new chapter in your life. It occurs in opposition to Pluto, meaning it will be no small occurrence for you. Pluto is in your love and relationship area and it may well be that you meet someone special this month. Moon in your relationship area 25th and 26th occurs just before the full moon eclipse of the 27th which puts you in a good position to make changes that are needed.
Moon in Cancer July 12, 13
Leo — July 24-August 23: Mercury is in your sign this month and on the 26th turns retrograde. From the 3rd to the 9th Mercury is also in opposition to Mars retrograde. You have a lot to be thankful for that they are not, at this time, both retrograde in such close degrees. However, you will still have frustrations to deal with, especially when it comes to communication and action. The nodes are also involved in this opposition and this can cause unexpected situations to arise which seem fated to happen. Venus is in your sign till the 11th, helping you along with any love problems. Moon in your love area 1st, 2nd, 27th, 28th and 29th. With the eclipse on the 27th. It is the longest eclipse of the century and shall really shine a light on what you wish to do with a relationship. Mars is conjunct this eclipse, no doubt spurring you on to act “now”.
Moon in Leo July 14, 15
Virgo — August 24-September 22: Venus is in your sign from the 11th onwards. This should give a lovely boost to your love life. Given the Mars retrograde in your work area, then perhaps your relationship is what you should be focused on. This will be especially true towards the end of the month when, on the 27th, a full moon eclipse comes into close contact with Mars and could really mess things up for you at work. Try to keep a low profile this month, if you don’t have something finished it is not the end of the world. With Jupiter in your communication area then you can always fall back on your gift of clear thinking and communication. Moon in your love area 3rd, 4th, 5th, 30th and 31st gives you a lot of scope to fan the flames of love with your partner.
Moon in Virgo July 16, 17
Libra — September 23-October 22: Most signs will feel the tension caused by Mars retrograde this month, you, on the other hand have this aspect trining your sign which makes it a lot easier to deal with. After the 11th you’ll also have Venus in a position to help you out when it comes to your love life. Try to take it easy and if you enjoy creative pursuits then this is the month to use that, especially if you are trying to relax. The new moon eclipse, on the 12th, occurs in an area of your chart linked to career. Make sure you have everything in place when it comes to work so you are not knocked off your feet with something unexpected. Moon in your love area 6th and 7th coincides with Mercury in opposition to Mars. Definitely not the time for any serious talks with your partner as things could get out of hand very quickly.
Moon in Libra July 18, 19, 20
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: July may see you being quite creative, especially around the 12th when an eclilpse in Cancer trines your sign. You also have the added advantage of Uranus, now in opposition to your sign. This can cause thoughts and ideas can come suddenly to you but you need to be aware of what is useful and what is not. With the Mars retrograde currently squaring your sign and an eclipse due within 1 degree of this on the 27th your best bet is to lay low for a while. Mercury turning retrograde, after the 26th, joins Mars in retrograde. This has you sandwiched between two planets, which have “volatile” as their second name, with both forming a square to your sign. Be careful you do not get caught up in any dramas later in the month as they may last for more than a few days. Moon in your love area 8th and 9th is a good time to let your partner know how you feel.
Moon in Scorpio July 21, 22
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: You may be experiencing frustrations with communication in July, compliments of Mars retrograde in this area of your chart. To top this off a full moon eclipse will also hit Mars on the 27th July. This is not the month to try pushing ahead for what you want as you are likely to come across some pretty stiff opposition if you do. Mercury also retrogrades on the 26th. It is in an area of your chart which is usually very outspoken and you may feel double bound when it comes to getting your point across and being heard. Try not to let this become a problem and go with the flow, as going against it is what will cause problems. Moon in your love area 10th and 11th coincides with Venus trining your sign and giving you a helping hand when it comes to emotions flowing freely.
Moon in Sagittarius July 23, 24
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: The new moon eclipse in your love area on the 12th is in opposition to Pluto in your own sign. This means that your relationship may be a bit tumultuous and you need to take care not to push too hard as things may come apart. Given that Mars is retrograde in an area of your chart which is also messing with stability in your life then you don’t want to rock the boat too much, especially as Mars will retrograde right back in to your sign in August. Good vibes come from Venus trining your sign after the 11th so put these to use in making sure things are running smoothly when it comes to love. Moon in your relationship area 12th and 13th occurs just after the eclipse and is a time to look to the new rather than focussing on the past.
Moon in Capricorn July 25, 26
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: Your love life is facing some major transits this month. Venus is in this area of your chart up until the 11th helping to smooth things over. Mercury is also there for the duration of the month and turning retrograde after the 26th. You also have an eclipse occurring in this area of your chart next month, which is a whole other story. For now though, you need to be aware that change is upon you. The eclipse, in your own sign on the 27th, which is also conjunct Mars may pull you in directions you don’t with to go but have no choice in taking. As Mercury also turns retrograde at this time it is not a good idea to jump into any conversations without thinking through the consequences thoroughly. Moon in your love area 14th and 15th is a time to regroup your emotions and understand what you want.
Moon in Aquarius July 1, 2, 27, 28, 29
Pisces — February 20-March 20:
Be aware of miscommunication at work from the 26th when Mercury turns retrograde. It is not only the Mercury retrograde you are dealing with at this time but a total eclipse on the 27th which is in close contact with Mars. This may have the effect of even more confusion and miscommunication for you as it occurs in an area of your chart not exactly known for clear thinking. As Venus moves in to your love area on the 11th your thoughts will turn to your love life, make sure that things are going smoothly there so it is not caught up in the other, less fortunate, transits occurring this month. Moon in your love area 16th and 17th also has Jupiter turning direct and forming a nice trine to your sign. Use this to strengthen your relationship.
Moon in Pisces July 3, 4, 5, 30, 31
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
July 2018 Monthly Horoscopes

Personal Consultations:
Hope you enjoyed your monthly horoscope. For a live psychic reading or astrological consultation, please feel free to email me at chrisalisreadings@hotmail.com.
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