Keep your wits about you after the new moon eclipse on the 9th because shortly following this Venus enters your area of communication which may be giving you the impetus to speak up and speak up quickly in order to have your thoughts heard. As Venus rules love you can bet that what you have to say will influence your partner but if you put off communicating you may find that by the time Mercury also enters your area of communication on the 16th then your words may flow in a way more conducive to the other person hearing them. If you find yourself missing golden opportunities to speak what is on your mind then leave it till the last week of the month when Mercury, Venus ,Jupiter and the black moon Lilith all come into alignment… and hopefully this alignment will pave the way for a positive discussion in what has been troubling you.
Moon in Aries 6, 7, 8 May
The focus this month is on you with several planets in your sign as well as an eclipse on the 9th coming into close contact not only with the Sun but also Mercury, Venus and Mars all lined up in Taurus. For this reason it would be a good idea if you took any problems you had been mulling over and waiting to hear answers from others back onto yourself and do what is right for you. This is a good time for going deep and coming up with a new way to deal with what has been bothering you and going against the grain of what you would usually do. Mars is in your sign for the duration of the month adding energy and flare to whatever you wish to accomplish. However, with the eclipse also coming into close contact with Mars you may wish to hold back on any actions you take till the latter part of the month.
Moon in Taurus 9, 10 May
May is a very busy and interesting month for you given that during the second half of the month the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter and Lilith are all in your sign. The new moon solar eclipse on the 9th will be urging you to dig deeper and find new depths both within yourself and also within situations that are not to your liking. There is a lot of emphasis on change for you and the full moon lunar eclipse of the 25th, which falls in your relationship area, gives you an idea of where that change may be taking place. Use the time prior to the 25th to strengthen your own sense of self, look at any blocks that are around for you or being used against you and come up with a new approach to boundaries that are more healthy that work better for yourself, the other person… and also give you both what you want.
Moon in Gemini 12, 13 May
Try to spend a bit of time with some friends during the first half of May when several planets line up in that area for you along with an eclipse on the new moon. Someone from your past may resurface in your life giving you a chance to get to know them again and/or cut ties with them. As Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all line up in your area of spirituality in the last week of May you may have peace and relaxation on your mind. Planning for some “me” time during this week would be a good idea especially if life has been too hectic for you lately. It is also a good time to contemplate what you wish to do with your life and your next step in getting there. Don’t worry too much about setting boundaries as Mars is in a position to help you with this all month long.
Moon in Cancer 14, 15 May
If you are planning to get down to work this month and accomplish all those little (and big) jobs you have been putting off then this is the month to do it in. The new moon eclipse will give you a better idea of what you need to be focusing on doing and I suggest you start the work earlier in the month rather than the latter part of the month. Early month Mercury and Venus will be giving you new ideas and a sense of worth as opposed to seeing work as a chore whilst Mars is in a position to see you finish a job until the end. The last week of May sees you wanting to spend time with friends and indeed this is a very lucky week for you in regards to friendships. If you have had any problems in that area lately this week is a good time to mend any rifts that have come between you and a friend.
Moon in Leo 16, 17, 18 May
Dream a little, live a little and laugh a little. What are you waiting for! You have such good planets lined up for you in your area of adventure and fun this month that it would be a great time to just go off and do something for yourself that you have always wanted to do but perhaps thought you never would. The second half of the month sees you more geared towards work so please strike while the iron is hot in organizing something just for you encompassing a sense of adventure and fun earlier in the month. The eclipse on the 25th may find you questioning who your friends really are and what you can do to improve on this area of your life. Once again… go and have some fun.
Moon in Virgo 19, 20 May
The first half of the month may find you bogged down in some pretty deep thoughts and trying to get to the bottom of something that doesn’t seem to have any answers to it. May I suggest you stop trying and just wait to see how things turn out. Sometimes all the pushing and questioning in the world won’t get you anywhere and with Mars also in this area of your chart you don’t want to go pushing too much as it may blow up in your face. Look towards the second half of the month for things getting better, especially the last week when you should be in a great mood and not allowing anything to trouble you… in fact you may find the second half of the month outshines the first so much that you have trouble remembering what you were worrying about in the first place.
Moon in Libra 21, 22, 23 May
What can I say. You’ve survived through last month’s eclipse in your sign on the 25th falling very close to Saturn and no doubt giving you a lot to think about. May starts out with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars all in your area of relationships which will be very much on your mind. As the next eclipse falls on the 9th May in your relationship area you may find yourself faced with some choices… difficult or otherwise… you will need to dig deep to come up with answers, not necessarily to the other person, but to your own self. At the end of the month as the third eclipse falls in your area of stability and security along with several other planets lining up to give you a great start to getting to the truth you have been seeking. The month of May may be many things for you and I’m sure it will be memorable if for nothing else than having Mars in your relationship area… use this position of Mars well as it could be your making or your downfall.
Moon in Scorpio 23, 24 May
The full moon lunar eclipse on the 25th takes place within your sign. Those of you born early in Sagittarius will feel its effects more strongly. However, all Sagittarians are in for a roller-coaster ride when it comes to their love lives especially in the second half of the month when the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter will all be in your relationship sector and all vying for your undivided attention. Let me guide you in the right direction so you don’t get lost on the way… The Sun will be showing you what you want in your love life and this will be illuminated on the eclipse (25th), Mercury will be urging you to speak up for yourself to your partner whilst Venus will be making sure you get the romance you deserve. Sounds good! Well Jupiter is also in your relationship area and this planet along with being the ruler of your sign is also the planet of luck… looks like you have a lot of luck to go around!
Moon in Sagittarius 25, 26 May
The new moon solar eclipse on the 9th should be giving you a sense of wanting to go out and have some fun! Don’t worry about overdoing it because you have so many planets lining up in your area of work during the latter part of the month that a bit of fun and adventure is probably something that you need right now. Great month for seeking any advancement in your career or change of jobs especially if you have been finding your current position has been getting you down and you feel stuck. See what is around in your thoughts on the 9th and be willing to aim high. Mercury, planet of communication, comes into close alignment with the moon on this day and should help you to broaden your horizons… and get out of any rut you have been experiencing.
Moon in Capricorn 1, 27, 28, 29 May
Home and family will be important to you for the first half of May and you may wish to spend more time there soaking up the good feelings and comforts that your home life has to offer. The new moon eclipse on the 9th may also bring to light anything that has been lacking in your family life lately and instigate a time of new beginnings. From mid month it is all about creativity, going out and seeing the bigger picture in your life. The last week of May is a great time to make plans for anything new you have been wishing to experience. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter all align in that week and they are in a great position to bring happiness and laughter into your life… not necessarily in that order but all in big doses!
Moon in Aquarius 2, 3, 30, 31 May
Communication is important early this month especially around the 9th. You have the capacity this month to get to the bottom of a matter if you choose your words carefully. You also have the planets lined up to help you with this apart from Mars which is in your area of communication all month. For this reason you may wish to try to slow your mind down to a pace that is in line with others so you don’t get ahead of yourself and blurt out something you may later regret. As the month draws to a close, in the last week, you have the opportunity to spend a well earned rest at home and take advantage of some lovely moments with your family. Look forward to this because its coming up in many ways as a lucky week for you.
Moon in Pisces 4, 5 May
I am available for live phone, Skype or chat consultations in 30- and 60-minute increments. I am located on the beautiful mid north coast of New South Wales in Australia. I am on AEST. Please email me to schedule a session first! .
By Chris Alis
Session with Chrisalis |
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