Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 2, 2015 — Page of Batons

Page of Batons

Page of Batons

You shouldn’t have any trouble getting into your zone today and adopting a more contemplative or meditative state.

As Mercury moves into Scorpio, you may be turning away from all the noise and distractions in your life and seeking a place of quiet and solitude to explore the deeper regions of your psyche.

You may be thinking of ways to bring depth and clarity back into your life, or like the woman in this card, a way to breathe life into your own creative process.

This is the Ceccoli Tarot’s version of the Page of Batons (or Wands). She’s expressive and original, even in her introspective state. She’s taken a novel approach to self-expression, rising up through the mist that surrounds her to blossom where she stands.

While there’s generally a very exuberant quality to the Page of Batons, this version is more intent on maintaining her composure than on any outward displays of emotion. Still there’s a certain drama in the way she presents herself, with the flowers blooming and the bees buzzing all around.

If this is someone in your life, know that she’s here to teach you a thing or two about creative self-expression.

But she may also represent and event in your life or a set of qualities that you need to embrace — in this case the combination of introspection, self-reflection and understated grace. While the Mercury in Scorpio transit can have you pondering the deeper mysteries of life, the Page of Batons takes it a step further and brings them to life.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Nov 1, 2015 — Strength



Today you may need to be extra gentle with yourself and tend to your own needs with the same loving care that you’re used to doling out to others.

The Strength card is a card of self-mastery. It’s about digging in deep and finding your inner reserves of strength and power that are sometimes necessary for handling life’s challenges.

It’s a card of courage, bravery, discipline and self-control. It speaks of the importance of staying grounded and being steadfast in the face of danger, and whatever curveballs the Universe throws your way.

You may be putting on a brave face as you tackle things that frighten you today, or that take you outside of your comfort zone. Or you may — like the faerie in the card, from the beautiful Faerie Tarot  — recognize the value of taming your inner beast and becoming one with it.

You may notice the storm clouds brewing in the distance, but she doesn’t even flinch. And this is the essence of this card. Self-mastery and self-control.

The Strength card encourages you to not only meet your fears and insecurities head on, but to transform them by neutralizing the power they hold over you. Once you do that you’ll find that they weren’t so frightening after all.

Current Astrological Transits — Nov 2015 Monthly Calendar

The calendar below show the transits, aspects, ingresses and Moon phases for the current month.

This calendar is set for Universal Time and is updated on the first of every month.

The current Moon sign is shown in the upper right corner of every day, with void of course times marked below. The current Moon phase position is at the bottom of each day.

Ingresses are shown throughout the month as well as stations and retrogrades.

The five main Ptolemaic aspects — as well as semi-sextile and quincunx (inconjunct) aspects are shown.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 31, 2015 — Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles

Six of Pentacles

Trick or Treat! Today’s card — the Six of Pentacles from the whimsical Housewives Tarot — is all about getting in the spirit of giving, and what better way to do that than to hand out candy to the hoards of costumed characters who show up at your door?

This card is all about the exchange of energy — which often comes in the form of gifts or tangible goods. But whether it refers to giving or receiving is a matter of perspective.

Look at the little devil in this card. Is he handing out cookies and candy to the little tricksters who show up at his door? Or is he standing outside and reaching into someone else’s house for goodies of his own?

And think about the whole concept of Trick-or-Treating, and how it’s just as much fun to answer your door with a big bowl of candy as it is to be standing out there on the stoop with your flashlight and pillowcase.

This is attitude you want to hold onto today: that there is always enough for everyone and that prosperity and abundance can be continuously replenished.

An important feature of the Six of Pentacles is also gratitude. Noticing the small miracles and blessings that surround you as well as the bigger ones. And honoring those who’ve helped you along the way.

Today is a day for both giving and receiving. It doesn’t have to be money or material things; it can be as simple as a smile, a hug, a pat on the back or a moment of your time. Be conscious of all that you receive as well, and don’t forget to say thanks!

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 30, 2015 — Temperance



Today’s card — Temperance from the Medieval Enchantment Tarot –– indicates a need to go with the flow and to find ways to bring the conflicting desires of your being back toward the center.

Today’s Sun trine Neptune should make that a little easier. The Sun / Neptune aspect is all about aligning yourself with higher spiritual realms.

The Temperance card speaks of searching within yourself for that wellspring of inner grace and finding a way to bring the good and bad, light and dark, happy and sad back in to balance.

This card is called “Art” in some decks. It speaks of the unique creative forces that each of us possess. It speaks of seeking out symmetry and harmony. And it speaks of integrating the opposing areas of your life into one big calm, peaceful and harmonious medium.

In what areas of your life are you too inflexible, too rigid and too unwilling to hear another’s point of view? Your challenge will be to overcome those impediments and to integrate the opposing forces in your life.

The Temperance card refers to bringing the opposing facets of your personality (or your relationships, or your desires) into alignment by finding the perfect middle ground. It represents peace and harmony, synthesis and equilibrium, moderation and restraint.

As you can see from the imagery in this card, nothing needs be sacrificed in attaining that balance. Just remember to rise above whatever situations in your life that are pulling you down, without rising so high that you neglect them or fail to take advantage of opportunities to learn from or grow from them.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 29, 2015 — Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

Today is a day for expressing yourself a little more colorfully and dramatically than you’re probably used to.

It may be a call for you to step outside of your comfort zone and show the rest of the world what you’re made of.

This is the Steampunk Tarot’s version of the Queen of Wands. She’s creative and charismatic, with a keen sense of fashion and a flair for drama.

She may be someone in your life, an event or a part of yourself. She may be a supervisor, a parent, a friend or even some facet of yourself that has long been dormant.

She has a lot of fiery Goddess energy and can teach you a thing or two about leading with your heart.

The reds and golds in this card bring to mind things like like passion, drive, energy and creative self-expression. But there’s an enigmatic quality to this Queen as well, with the self-conscious draping of her bold costume against the backdrop of such a vibrant setting.

If you’ve been hiding in the shadows or downplaying some of the more expressive aspects of your personality, now is the time to step up and be seen. The Queen of Wands encourages you to get out there and put your best foot forward, in whatever capacity you can.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 28, 2015 — Heron

Two of Feathers


Today you may be feeling torn between two competing interests or desires and at a loss as to which one one you want to follow.

You may be thinking about where you fit in in the world and the contributions you’ve made. Or like the Heron in this card, you may be reflecting on what you want for yourself.

As difficult as it is to balance these dual desires, you may find yourself at an impasse. It’s hard to feed one set of urges without feeling like you’re neglecting the other.

You may need to take the time to reflect, much like the Heron in this card. This is the Animal Wisdom Tarot’s version of the Two of Swords — called the Two of Feathers in this deck.

Here we see him gazing down at his reflection in a tranquil pool. A crescent moon shines in the night sky, illuminating the pair of feathers that are crisscrossed on the water’s surface.

As the Two of Swords often refers to inaction and immobility, you might take a page from the Heron’s book and use that inertia to reflect on your options before you make a move.

While you may normally be prone to “act first and think later,” today it’s probably going to be best for you to hold back and weigh your options instead. In doing so you may just be able to find a way to satisfy both sets of urges.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 27, 2015 — The Stars

the Stars

The Stars

Today’s Full Moon at 3° Taurus is in the sign — and at the exact degree — of its exaltation. The Full Moon lights up the night sky so brightly that it makes it difficult sometimes to see the Stars. But that doesn’t mean they’re not there.

Look at the figure in this card — from the stunning Samurai Tarot. He kneels down in a shallow tide pool and gazes up at the night sky, only to be rewarded by its panoramic splendor.

This card is about getting perspective. Putting your faith in the Universe. Seeing where you fit in in the Cosmos. Getting in touch with your own capacity for awe and reverence. And feeling inspired by nature and the beauty that surrounds you.

Notice how ocean spray seems to come to life in this image, brought on by the glow of the Full Moon and stars. Animal and human figures take shape, only to shift and change before your eyes. (For me what started out as a ceremonial dragon turned into Samurai warrior and oriental lion).

This tells you that things aren’t always as they appear and that you do have some say in the reality you create.

This card is all about synchronicity and serendipity. It’s a card of Hope and Faith in the Universe. It tells you that in spite of all your trials and tribulations, everything is as it should be, and in the end everything is going to be alright.

It invites you to open your eyes and see the vastness of the world around you, the billions of stars in the night sky and the billions of people that make up humanity.

It comes as a reminder that even in in the midst of all the chaos that surrounds you, there is still room for growth. There’s still love, peace, beauty, harmony and compassion. There’s still the promise of forgiveness, redemption and salvation.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 26, 2015 — Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

Today’s Venus Jupiter conjunction (with Mars nearby) is still shining brightly in the sky. These planets are all lined up in Virgo now — visible in the early morning hours —  the sign associated with work, duty, discipline and service.

If you’re thinking about ways to increase your income or conserve the income you already have, it’s a good time to get an early start.

But the Knight of Pentacles is not just about about making money. It’s about preserving your resources while maximizing your potential so that you’re always at least one step ahead of the game.

This is the essence of the Knight of Pentacles. Taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves so that you’re always working toward your goals. It’s that unique combination of instinct and strategy that guarantees your success.

There may be “mysterious forces” at work here too. Notice the Knight’s stallion in this card from the beautiful Prisma Visions Tarot. It’s not a stallion at all, but a magical unicorn feasting on the giant berries that flourish at its feet. And the tree is etched with colorful esoteric symbols. Call it luck or call it fate, there are indications here that you’re able to align yourself with unseen cycles and trends.

Whether you’re working on generating more income, saving for the future or paying down debts, you can make a lot of headway toward securing your financial independence. The spirit of adventure is not lost here: it’s still a big part of this process. But it’s the foresight and efficiency with which you go about achieving your goals that makes them so achievable in the end.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 25, 2015 — Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Today’s Venus / Jupiter conjunction should bring feelings of gratitude and fulfillment to the forefront for you.

This aspect — and today’s card, the Ten of Cups from the gorgeous Archeon Tarot — speaks of achieving something worth acknowledging and celebrating, as seen in the imagery of this card.

It represents fulfillment and security; a solid foundation of abundance and prosperity, and the sense that you have built something you can take pride in.

This extends well beyond financial or material security. It’s more about family, lasting friendships and a sense of comfort — in your home and your community — surrounded by people you love.

You want to align yourself with a vibration of gratitude as the Ten of Cups speaks of not only getting what you’ve “asked” for (via the principles of law of attraction) but also being thankful for all that you’ve received.

It’s not the time to think about what is lacking in your life but rather what makes it complete. And while you don’t want to be resting on your laurels, it’s important to acknowledge those who are most important to you and who keep your cup continuously full.

Take time today to let those nearest and dearest to you know how important they are. While the Ten of Cups is also said to indicate the culmination of something, that doesn’t mean you’ve come to the end of the road. This card is all about embracing all you’ve established through your connections and interactions with those who matter most — with your family, friends and loved ones.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 24, 2015 — Two of Rods

Two of Rods

Two of Rods

You may feel like you’re at a cross-roads today — fretting over decisions that are weighing heavily on your mind, and afraid of making the wrong move.

This version of the Two of Rods — from the Anna K Tarot — illustrates this dilemma beautifully. There are several different paths to take but no clear direction. And no idea what is on the other side.

In this respect the Two of Rods is as much about trust as it is about action. Trusting that whatever path you take will lead you to where you need to be.

Mars and Uranus are in inconjunct today. This is a rather tense aspect that can see you at odds between what you are motivated to do (Mars) and whatever curve-balls the Universe wants to throw your way (Uranus).

It may be frustrating, but look at the figure in this card. He’s not getting anywhere by plopping himself down on the side of the road and worrying about taking the wrong path. He may be avoiding pitfalls by sitting there doing nothing, but he’s also missing out on potential opportunities.

The Two of Rods says that while you may not have all the information you need to make an informed decision, you’re still better off doing something rather than allowing yourself to become paralyzed by fear. This card encourages you to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and be willing to take a stand.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Oct 23, 2015 — Page of Cups

Page of Cups

Page of Cups

Today is a day of getting in touch with your feelings and working on processing your emotions.

The Sun moves into Scorpio today, just as the Moon moves into Pisces and Venus trines Pluto. With all this watery emotional energy, is it any wonder you’re feeling self-conscious or maybe even a little shy?

These transits fit in beautifully with this version of the Page of Cups —  from the Mary-el Tarot — and the intricate fish and water symbols etched on the Page’s skin.

You may be feeling overly sentimental or self-protective today. Or like the Page in this card you may feel like keeping your feelings to yourself. The Page of Cups is gentle and tender-hearted, but can have difficulty expressing emotions.

Although the pale blues in the background of this card are linked to the throat chakra and the concept of expressing ideas, you may be feeling so sensitive and vulnerable that you have trouble putting your feelings into words.

It may be preferable for you to think about ways to tap into your own rich inner world today, rather than reaching out to others for comfort.

The soft hues in this card and the gentle energy exhibited by the Page are also reminiscent of healing, purity, and a soothing calm energy that you can access to restore peace and harmony. Take some time today to bring these images to life and hear what they have to say.