Current Astrological Transits — Nov 2015 Monthly Calendar

The calendar below show the transits, aspects, ingresses and Moon phases for the current month.

This calendar is set for Universal Time and is updated on the first of every month.

The current Moon sign is shown in the upper right corner of every day, with void of course times marked below. The current Moon phase position is at the bottom of each day.

Ingresses are shown throughout the month as well as stations and retrogrades.

The five main Ptolemaic aspects — as well as semi-sextile and quincunx (inconjunct) aspects are shown.

Click on the calendar to view a full-sized larger version:

November 2015 Monthly Calendar

 Nov 2015 Monthly Calendar -- transits

This calendar module is part of AstroLabe’s Solar Fire program.


Nov 2015 Monthly Calendar



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