Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Dec 25, 2016 – Dec 31, 2016:
This week starts with five planets all at 20° (six if you count the Moon) in their respective signs on Sunday. We have Venus at 20° Aquarius, Jupiter at 20° Libra, Saturn at 20° Sagittarius, Chiron at 20° Pisces, Uranus at 20° Aries, and for a few hour window in the middle of the day, the Moon at 20° Scorpio.
While these planets are all interacting with one another throughout the remainder of the week, we also have a New Moon (in Capricorn) and Uranus turning direct to look forward to.
Starting with Sunday’s main (exact) transits, there’s a trine between Saturn and Uranus and another trine between Venus and Jupiter, with Venus then sextiling both Uranus and Saturn. This configuration by itself is a relatively easy transit with lots of harmonious aspects.
The Venus / Jupiter trine is warm, gregarious, benevolent and kind. It can see you feeling generous and so good about yourself that others respond in kind. Those feelings of goodwill are infectious and can result in opportunities that come to you through unexpected channels.
As Venus is tied to love, beauty, harmony and personal values, all of these things may come to you more easily and since money is also ruled by Venus, that may flow more easily as well. As Jupiter is tied to generosity, gratitude and luck, you may find yourself feeling particularly benevolent, but don’t overdo it.
The Saturn / Uranus trine brings the concepts of new and exciting adventures together with structure and personal responsibility. This portion of Sunday’s transits is excellent for thinking ahead — as in where you want to see yourself this time next year — and brings with it the discipline to set about making that happen.
If you are spending the holidays with loved ones and family members, this is the time for putting aside differences and embracing holiday cheer. But for even those who don’t celebrate, or who are spending the holidays alone, this should be a relatively peaceful day.
That doesn’t mean this week is going to be uneventful. Some of these 20° planers are in hard aspect to one another — like the Jupiter / Uranus opposition which has been prominent for several weeks, but becomes exact on Monday. This transit pits the planet associated with growth, expansion and evolution against the planet associated with sudden change and unexpected events and opportunities.
The Jupiter opposition can exaggerate and magnify the erratic Uranus energy, but remember that oppositions are meant to be integrated. Your goal with this transit (especially because it’s a part of an ongoing t-square with Pluto at the apex — an incredibly volatile t-square) is to find a way to bring those conflicting energies into focus.
Mars conjuncts the South Node and sextiles the Sun on Tuesday. The Mars / Node contact encourages you to be mindful of your actions (and your reactions) as the South Node is tied to karmic events and repercussions. This transit is also determining your role in group interactions. Remember that there needs to be a good balance between give and take: don’t try to force your views on others, or you could wind up alienating them.
The sextile to the Sun is all about taking initiative and making things happen — especially as the the Sun also sextiles the North Node and trines the South. This configuration is all about being assertive and expressing yourself with confidence and vitality. This aspect is good for breathing new life into projects that have made it past their point of inception but are still in the early stages. It’s also good for revamping your personal style and putting your best foot forward. There’s also a
Mercury also sextile Neptune on Tuesday. This aspect is excellent for meditating, journaling, or any type of creative communications (songwriting, poetry, composing love letters, etc.) It’s also a highly sensitive aspect that favors getting in touch with your intuition and paying attention to your dreams.
Mercury retrogrades back to conjunct the Sun and sextile Mars on Wednesday. The sextile to Mars is generally a favorable transit, but is weakened by the fact Mercury is retrograde and is involved in an inferior conjunction to the Sun. This exact conjunction is referred to by classical astrologers as “cazimi” (in the heart of the Sun). It’s influence is said to be heightened and energized by the Sun, but because Mercury is retrograde and essentially “hidden” by the Sun, this aspect can be somewhat problematic. The main thing to watch for is information that is hidden or lacking which can result in making ill-informed decisions.
Saturn is also squaring Chiron on Wednesday, which can put a damper on your mood and see you question the meaning of life — your life in particular — and wondering if you have done enough or accomplished enough or made a big enough impact on the world. This aspect can manifest as an existential crisis, and can generally make things seem a lot more bleak than they really are.
But don’t let yourself get into a funk during this time: the New Moon on Thursday gives us all an opportunity to start anew. This one takes place at 7° Capricorn 59. The New Moon in Capricorn represents a time for simplifying your life and removing all of the clutter that’s accumulated over the last several months and may be hindering your progress. It’s a time for looking at what’s important — or going to be important over the next 12 months — and weeding out what is no longer useful for you or conducive to your growth.
The Capricorn Moon also refers to getting serious about your goals, your profession and your public standing. And as this particular New Moon is closely conjunct to Pluto and square to Uranus, issues with authority figures or power struggles may come to light.
The Sabian Symbol for this degree is “Birds in the house singing happily.” This is a joyful symbol that is so welcome during the holidays. It speaks of joining together — and feeling at home with — like-minded people (birds of a feather), whether these are friends, family members or casual acquaintances. It refers to the ability to lift your spirits, and those of everyone around you by fing a common ground. This is an especially gentle and sensitive New Moon, as it closely sextiles both Neptune and the South Node.
Also on Thursday, Mercury trines the North Node and Uranus turns direct. Starting with the Mercury / Node trine, this aspect brings in karmic interactions with others. Whether this relates to romantic relationships or friendships and family members, keep in mind that a lot of progress can be made during this transit.
Uranus turning direct — after 5 long months in retrograde motion — can bring some of those nagging rebellious urges that have been bubbling beneath the surface out into the open. Haven’t we seen enough of those in recent days you ask? Well hold onto your hats.
We can always satisfy those urges through more productive Uranian impulses. Like being inventive, embracing our collective differences and motivating ourselves and others toward positive change. But be prepared for those who refuse to take the high road and instigate chaos and destruction just because they can.
The Sun sextiles Neptune on Friday. This aspect can increase your sensitivity to outside influences and leave you feeling more susceptible to psychic impressions. It can be just what you needed to wind your week (and year) down — that is unless you plan on going out Saturday night to ring the New Year in.
You may feel like lounging around the house rather than rushing out to take part in the festivities, but if you choose to do the latter, keep an eye on how much you imbibe. The Sun / Neptune aspect increases your sensitivity to drugs and alcohol as well.
We end the week (and the year) with a Jupiter / Neptune inconjunct on Saturday. As this transit is good for letting go of what you no longer need — ideals and belief systems more than material things — it may just be perfect for shedding your 2016 challenges and disappointments as you prepare to embark on a whole new year. There is a bit of a wistful melancholy associated with this transit, but it may just be what is needed to purge yourself of whatever you’ve been holding onto, and wiping the slate clean.
That’s it for this week, see you next year!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
Dec 25, 2016 – Dec 31, 2016
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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