Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Aug 6, 2018 – Aug 12, 2018:
This week, we have a planet changing signs, a planet changing direction, and the third eclipse of the summer — this one a New Moon solar eclipse in Leo. Starting on Monday, Venus moves into Libra, the sign it co-rules with Taurus. The Libra version is all about objectivity, tact, diplomacy and grace. It’s about striving for harmony in relationship and interacting socially with others rather than engaging in conflict.
It’s also about appearances: looking good and surrounding yourself with beauty. Playing nice — even if it means setting your own interests aside in order to accommodate others. It’s about partnership, cooperation and collaboration. This is an agreeable, conciliatory energy that you can use to your advantage as it brings people together whose main objective is to get along.
Also on Monday — at the exact moment Venus moves into Libra — the Sun squares Jupiter. This aspect can manifest as feeling so expansive and gregarious that you end up biting off more than you can chew or promising more than you can deliver. The combination of enthusiasm and benevolence can get you thinking you can do more than you really can. And while your heart may be in the right place, your inability to follow through can get you into hot water.
This aspect is known for over-indulging, over-extending and over-committing. In other words overdoing everything.You may be feeling so jovial and so overconfident that you have a hard time reigning in it and exercising any real discipline.
Uranus goes stationary retrograde at 2° Taurus 22 on Tuesday. Uranus will be retrograde for the next 5 months, during which time it will move back into Aries and will go direct in January 2019 at 28° Aries 56. As with all retrogrades, the planetary energy is turned inward, making those sudden flashes of Uranian brilliance and insight all the more real.
Uranus is known as the “great awakener” and loves to shake things up — just to make sure we’re paying attention. It’s a naturally rebellious archetype, but the retrograde makes it less about bucking the system and more about challenging our own deeply personal ideals.
On Wednesday, Venus trines Mars and opposes Chiron. The Venus / Mars trine brings love and romance to the forefront. This transit is all about going with the flow and staying in sync with your loved ones. It’s good for attracting new people into your life and for collaborating with others.
As this a air sign trine, the energy is likely to be more cerebral, with emphasis on collaboration and cooperation rather than resistance. But all is not perfect,: Mars is retrograde and getting ready to move back into Capricorn, and Venus — while dignified in its own sign — is part of a t-square involving Chiron and Saturn. Still this transits weighs much more on the side of making love than it does on making war, so take advantage of it if you have the opportunity.
The Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde on Thursday. This is an inferior conjunction, referred to by classical astrologers as “cazimi” (in the heart of the Sun). It’s influence is said to be heightened and energized by the Sun, but because Mercury is retrograde and essentially “hidden” by the Sun, this aspect can be somewhat problematic. The main thing to watch for is information that is hidden or lacking which can result in making ill-informed decisions.
Venus squares Saturn on Friday, and pulls in the opposition to Chiron (which was exact on Wednesday), turning this into a t-square with Saturn at the focal point. The Venus / Saturn portion of this aspect can bring relationship problems to the forefront. It can manifest as feeling lonely, rejected or left out. You may feel like you’re not getting your needs met and if so you want to look at whether you’ve been too unsure of yourself to ask. It may not be the best time to put your heart on the line, but this aspect is good for getting clarity, for better or worse.
The opposition to Chiron indicates a need to establish clearer boundaries and to identify personal values. Are you struggling with doubts and insecurities about your own self-worth? Or are you striving to let go of associations that have held you back or prevented you from achieving personal fulfillment? That’s Venus opposite Chiron.
Saturday’s New Moon — at 18° Leo 41 — is also a partial Solar Eclipse. As New Moons always represent fresh starts and new beginnings, this one — in Leo — brings opportunities to reinvent yourself.
As Leo is the sign associated with warmth, vitality, personality and creative self-expression, the emphasis is on reveling in the moment, embracing life to the fullest, and setting your worries aside long enough to bask in the light of the day.
The Leo Moon is regal, dignified and proud. It’s a warm, creative, dynamic placement, especially with the Sun, Mercury and North Node all also in Leo at this time.
Because it’s involved in an eclipse, it can act as a powerful conduit for change. The Eclipse brings a greater awareness to whatever is no longer working for you so that you can release or transform it. It brings to light that which has been suppressed or hidden — even from yourself — along with the incentive to make changes.
Also on Saturday, Mercury squares Jupiter — a recurrence of the exact same transit that took place a few weeks ago, when Jupiter was retrograde and Mercury was direct. Now that these planets have both changed directions, opportunities for looking at problems that arose during that time from a different perspective abound.
Venus sextiles the North Node on Sunday and simultaneously trines the South Node. This transit can bring people into your life who want nothing but the best for you. Hold onto them and cherish their presence in your life. It can heighten your awareness of the beauty and grace that surround you even in the midst of turbulent times.
That’s it for this week; see you next week!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
Aug 6, 2018 – Aug 12, 2018
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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