Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 23, 2015 — Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

Page of Pentacles

Mercury and Mars come together today in Taurus, indicating a need to start thinking more about material pursuits.

This aspect combines enterprise (Mercury) with drive (Mars) to produce tangible results. It encourages you to focus your energy on long-term gains. The Page of Pentacles — this version from Jane Lyle’s Lovers’ Tarot — speaks of developing skills that can be applied to material enterprises.

You may thinking more about your future, as in taking a more serious approach to pursuing your interests as well as honing the skills that you already possess.

The Page of Pentacles may be someone in your life; if so he or she is here to teach you something. This person may be immersed in a hobby or trade; He or she may be a student or apprentice; and he or she may just starting a new job and filled with all the inspiration and anticipation that comes with taking on a brand new project.

This Page stares out over a vast Kingdom that may very well be his birthright. But he doesn’t expect things to be handed to him on a silver platter. He knows that he has to earn what he wants and that means putting in serious efforts toward achieving those goals.

You may be thinking of going back to school or learning a whole new trade. You may be immersing yourself in your own studies — either formally or informally, as in teaching yourself a new skill or perfecting one you’ve already begun to develop.

The Page of Pentacles invites you to recapture that youthful exuberance and thirst for learning that may have gotten lost somewhere along the way. It encourages you to dust of the books or pick up a creative instrument of your own and try your hand at refining, improving and ultimately mastering it.




Today’s card — Page of Pentacles — comes from the  Lovers’ Tarot by Jane Lyle.

Jane Lyle is a writer on psychology, sex, sociology, paranormal and divination topics. She has been intrigued by the tarot from an early age, and learned the traditional art of reading tea leaves from her grandmother.

Jane’s other books include The Cup of Destiny, The Renaissance Tarot, and The Fortune Teller’s Deck.

Please visit and “like” her Facebook Fan Page.

This deck is published by St. Martin’s Press. 



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