Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 25, 2014 — Page of Wands

Page of Wands

Page of Wands

Today you should be feeling a mixture of anticipation, enthusiasm and inspiration as you open your eyes to a brand new perspective and see the world as your playground.

The Page of Wands card denotes a sort of reckless abandon — being open and willing to embrace all that the Universe has to offer, while at the same time not wanting to be tied down.

If you look at the imagery in this card, you see a lush green field filled with wildflowers and butterflies. The butterflies playfully flit from flower to flower, ensuring their propagation.

The tree leans toward the Sun, basking in its glow. Even the mountains in the distance are lush and fertile.

There’s a Joie de vivre aspect to the Page of Wands card. This is a more free-spirited and untethered energy. There’s a sense of being on the verge of something new and exciting — even if you can’t put your finger on exactly what that is.

It’s probably not the best time for you to commit to long-term projects of goals. You’ll want to hold off instead and let your ideas mature.

It’s a great time for brain-storming, inventing and creating — and not so great for launching a project that is not yet fully formed. Use this time to tap into your creative potential and save the business of accomplishing something big for another day.


The deck used for today’s tarot scope is the Tarot of the Trees designed by Dana Driscoll, used by generous permission. Please visit the Tarot of the Trees website, where you can purchase this stunningly beautiful deck! This deck is also now available for iPhone/iPad and Android devices.through the Fool’s Dog website. 

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