Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 20, 2014 — Eight of Wands

Eight of Wands -- Gypsy Palace tarot

Eight of Wands

It may feel like things are moving very quickly for you now and that you have to strike while the iron is hot if you want to take advantage of the opportunities that are presenting themselves.

The Eight of Wands refers to progress, mobility and rapid change, usually for the better. You could be bursting at the seams with new and fresh ideas, juggling interests or overseeing different projects that all seem to be nearing completion at the same time.

This card refers to being decisive, making the most of your time and cutting through whatever distractions stand in your way. There may be a lot going on around you — like the woman in the center of this card — but the Eight of Wands encourages you to remain focused and engaged in the task at hand.

Look at all of the swirling colors in this card. There’s a lot happening there — and certainly some distractions. But there’s also movement, creativity and energy which are hallmarks of the Eight of Wands archetype.

This is also a networking card. It relates to exchanging ideas and interacting with like-minded people. Blogging, disseminating information, and expanding social horizons are all indicated. You could receive news from afar; be preparing to embark on a spiritual journey, or planning a literal journey that takes you out of your daily routine and into uncharted territories.

At least for today, you want to be taking the initiative to make things happen rather than sitting back and allowing life to just pass you by. It may involve a few risks, but with so much going on for you now  your chances of acing them are high.

Pay attention to messages your receive too, as they’re likely opportunities in disguise.




NoraThis card is part of the Gypsy Palace Tarot series, designed by Nora Huszka.

The creation and marketing of this deck was the result of a successful campaign and funding through

Her beautiful deck can be purchased directly from her website, or from her Etsy storefront. Used by generous permission. Thank you Norah!  

Be sure to check out her Youtube channel and visit and like her Facebook fanpage too! 


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