Articles for this day of November 1, 2022

November 2022 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Well, the month begins with a bit of confusion, tension and turmoil as Venus, the Sun and Mercury are all close together in Scorpio and then they all respectively cross the transiting south node in in the first week.

Mercury will be combust the Sun at the time of the total lunar eclipse on Tuesday, Nov 8 at 4:02 AM MST but will be within the 15’ range of the Sun for most of the day where is it said to be positive and have the ear of the king. I think this is fortuitous overall.

The eclipse occurs at 16° 1’ in fixed Scorpio with the Moon at 16°  1’ in fixed Taurus, in the nakshatra called Bharani associated with the eternal river of souls and also with Venus, female hormones and whose symbol is the yoni or female sexual organs. And guess what is on the ballot….

The Moon’s next aspect will be to join Uranus in Taurus so there will be some weirdness during the first 2 hours after the eclipse as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon and Uranus are all involved in a square with Saturn. Everyone is going to feel tense and jerked around during this eclipse. And no, I don’t think there will be a civil war. But these are wild times, folks, wild times.

So, after that bit of fun we lighten up as Venus and Mercury move into Sagittarius on the 17th and Jupiter stations at 28 degrees of Pisces getting ready to go into direct motion on the 23rd! This is a good thing as Jupiter is optimistic and likes to expand and have some fun.