Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 13, 2015 — the Chariot

the Chariot

The Chariot

Today you may have to strive you get your emotions in check before they run away with you.

The Chariot card refers to internal upheavals that threaten to manifest externally, such as an angry outburst or emotional display. It challenges you to “pull it together” and exert control over your own internal conflicts.

This version of the card — from Holly DeFount’s gorgeous  Incidental Tarot — shows a charioteer staring straight ahead while she maintains control over a pair of rearing stallions. One is black (with white wings) and the other is white (with black wings). The charioteer wears a red cape, held together by a prominent six-pointed star.

The Black, White and Red in this card represent opposing forces (black and white) pulled together by passion, determination and drive (red). The star represents inspiration, mysticism and magic. It takes a lot more than sheer force of will to contain all that disharmonious energy, and to channel it into something real.

This represents the necessity of harnessing vastly opposing energies. The stallions are moving in two different directions — each pulling away from the other rather than working together as a team.

If you look closely you can see that they’re not really going anywhere anyway; the only movement in this card is seen in the stallions rearing back. This implies that there is some danger of spinning your wheels without really making any progress.

You’ll have to work hard if you want to rein in all of that energy, and this is the essence of the Chariot card. It’s the understanding that all parts of any “machine” have to operate in harmony in order to be effective. If you’re willing to embrace that philosophy — and if you can stand up and take hold of the reins in your own life — you can accomplish anything.




incidental-setThe card used for today’s tarotscope — the Chariot — comes from the Incidental Tarot collection, self-published by Holly DeFount.

This deck is available for purchase through Holly’s Raven & Rose Etsy storefront.

Be sure to check out Holly’s Raven & Rose website / blog and her Facebook Fan page! 

Used by generous permission.



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