Three of Swords
Today — with the planet of love (Venus) in opposition to the planet of obstacles, restrictions and life lessons (Saturn) — you may be confronted with some painful realities about the state of your relationships.
You may be disappointed by a loved one’s actions or feeling dejected about their lack of attention. Or you may be healing from a recent breakup.
If you’re single, you may be looking back at some of your past connections and seeing where things haven’t ended the way you wanted. Either way it’s going to be about conceding some loss and heartache that has to be dealt with before you can move forward.
The Three of Swords is often associated with emotional disharmony, heartache and separation. And you could be dealing with the fallout from all of these things. But keep in mind that disharmony is usually rooted in misunderstanding, or at the very least a misassumption about your role in someone else’s life.
Look at how the “teardrops” that fall from the storm clouds turn into bright twinkling stars before they hit the ground.
And notice the angels swooping in to comfort the grieving woman — if only she’d open her eyes. Could it be that there’s not only a silver lining to those storm clouds but also a saving grace?
Yes the Three of Swords is painful. The Swords that are shattering the heart are cold and relentless. The tears the woman cries are real. But it can be said that the swords breaking through the heart represent a necessary separation. A need to “cut through” that which is no longer serving you, in the spirit of making room for what does.
The Three of Swords doesn’t have to mean an ending. But it does refer to a lancing and releasing of whatever needs to released. If there is something (or someone) you’ve been struggling to let go of, now is the time to make the effort to do so. It’s the severing of all that’s been holding you back that will permit you to finally start moving forward again.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Three of Swords — is part of the self-published Star Tarot series by Cathy McClelland.
This is a 22-card Majors only deck which is sold out.
However Cathy has signed with Schiffer Publishing and is in the process of completing the deck. She is working on the Minors at present.
Check back with Cathy on her website to see the progress of this beautiful deck!
Used by generous permission.
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