Six of Wands
Today’s Mars / Pluto trine joins together the urge to make things happen and to bring about change in profound and life-altering ways.
This aspect can be incredibly powerful and transformative. It can bring in opportunities to completely reinvent yourself. And it can see you finally starting to receive the recognition you’ve worked so hard for.
It may come in the form of a raise or a promotion, or may be as simple as reassurances from loved ones that you’re valued and appreciated. You may feel like a million bucks, and rightfully so.
The Six of Wands — this version from the Deviant Moon Tarot — is called “Victory” in some decks; it speaks of validation of your efforts, and is well-deserved; this is the kind of acknowledgment you receive when it becomes clear that you’ve paid your dues.
In this version of the card, a figure emerges as a butterfly from the bud of a partially blooming flower. She wears a crown and holds a scepter in one of her many hands. We see the Sun rising high in the sky behind her as she’s hailed by her peers.
There’s a sense of triumph in this rendition, as in being chosen as a leader or someone to look up to. You may feel unexpectedly revered or idolized. But with that comes expectations that you’re going to have to live up to. More recognition but also more responsibility. More people counting on you to show them how its done.
This is not the time to “bask in your glory,” but rather a time to mirror back to those who are acknowledging you the same sense of gratitude and appreciation. It’s a time to remember the little people — those who have helped you a long the way.
If you’re in line for a promotion, an award or some other form of external validation, be ready to embrace it as confirmation that you’ve earned it and deserve it. But leave your ego at the door as there’s still more work to be done.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Six of Wands — is part of the Deviant Moon Tarot, designed and created by Patrick Valenza.
There is also a borderless version of these cards out now.
For more information on his deck and to purchase them, please visit the Deviant Moon Tarot website.
Please also check out and “like” this deck’s facebook fan page.
Published by US Games.
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