Eight of Swords
Today you may need to think about your own limitations, and how you’ve contributed to the obstacles that stand between you and your goals.
The Eight of Swords speaks of self-imposed obstacles and restrictions. You may feel powerless in your current circumstances and may be so caught up in blaming the people or events that have brought you to this that you’re unable to see a way out.
You may feel like you’re beating your head against a wall or like all of your efforts are being met with resistance. You may question whether the Universe is telling you to fight or to accept defeat — although neither of these is going to be the right course of action.
If you look at the demon in the card you can see that he has several ways out. The Swords that are lined up behind him are more decoration than anything else. The chain around his leg is attached to … nothing. And he has wings! If he wanted to he could just take flight. There are multiple options available to him to break free.
As always with the Eight of Swords there is a way out. It may require a bit of ingenuity — much like is seen in this card. But it mainly involves simply opening your eyes, changing your perspective and finding a workable solution.
The Eight of Swords calls for awareness, perspective and acceptance or responsibility. Only once you have achieved all three can you truly break free from the ties that bind you.
Today’s card — Eight of Swords — comes from the Alchemical Tarot Renewed by author/artist Robert M Place, published by Hermes Publications through the Alchemical Egg.
This deck is also available as an Iphone, Ipod and Ipad app through Itunes.
Please visit and “like” the deck’s Facebook Fan page.
Used by generous permission.
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