Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 4, 2014 — Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Ten of Cups

Today you may be feeling like all is right in your world again. The Ten of Cups is a gratitude card: it refers to a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction with where you are and what you have.

Sometimes this is a marriage card, a joining together with someone else who shares your happiness. And sometimes it’s an accomplishment card — coming to a point where you’re able to count your blessings and express contentment with your present circumstances.

If you’re not feeling these things — look around you: the glass is at least half full! You want to align yourself with a vibration of gratitude as the Ten of Cups speaks of not only getting what you’ve “asked” for (via the principles of law of attraction) but also being thankful for all that you’ve received.

In this version of the card, the Ten of Cups (portrayed in this deck as Moons) seems to refer more to serenity and self-containment than anything else. Notice the shuttered windows on the tower and the two slivered moons locked in an embrace above it. The 8 phases of the Moon are arched above the tower, which we can only surmise is filled with love, health, and happiness — the things that are really most important to any one of us.

While you may not want to shutter yourself away from the rest of the word, think about the areas in your life where you’re most content. You may come to realize that you don’t need other people in order to make you happy. That satisfaction, fulfillment and happiness itself are all already yours for the taking.


The card used for today’s tarotscope is part of the Lost Tarot of Nostradamus series by John Matthews (author) and Wil Kinghan (artist), published by Tuttle Publishing and distributed by Connections Publishing. This series was inspired by the discovery in 1994 of a set of manuscripts at the Italian National Library in Rome which are believed to have been written by Nostradamus himself.

Matthews and Kinghan present a compelling argument for the manuscripts and illustrations to be a set of tarot cards that Nostradamus was working on prior to his death. With the help of his son Caesar, the illustrations were brought to life and have been paired with actual portions of the manuscripts for each card. Please reference the above links to learn more about this fascinating deck or watch the History Channel’s documentary at Top Documentary Films. 

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