The Lovers
Venus moves into light-hearted free-spirited Gemini today, the sign of its esoteric rulership. Venus in Gemini understands the importance of sharing ideas and communicating feelings, which are the foundations upon which happy, healthy relationships are built.
But it also relates to the mental aspects of relating via decisions that need to be made. Sometimes — where the Lovers card is concerned — it’s a choice between two people, and sometimes it’s a choice between love and something else (career, family, responsibilities, freedom. etc.).
The Gemini duality is present in this version of the card. The yin / yang energy is evident in the most literal sense (the figures are male and female) but also figuratively in that one faces left (referencing intellect) and one face right (referencing feelings).
Also notice that while they are holding hands, they’re both also reaching out for something (or someone) just beyond our view.
They stand waist deep in a pool of water (emotions, the unconscious) while the Sun shines down on them so brightly that it’s nearly impossible to tell where it ends and they begin.
While the Lovers card does relate to merging with another and forming deep emotional bonds, there are always undercurrents of something else — something that must be factored in, decided or sacrificed — that need to be addressed.
Look at how their images are distorted on the surface of the water. The clean lines of their bodies and the glare of the Sunlight have all been softened in the reflection.
This is something you might think about when making your own decisions or forming your own conclusions about the people in your life. A little less scrutiny (harsh glaring sunlight) and a little more fluidity (to counter the fluctuating emotions that are a natural part of every relationship) can go a long ways toward healing any riffs that occur.
*** a note on this tarotscope — no you are not seeing double (well on second thought, maybe you are). In the spirit of a true Mercury retrograde and Venus in Gemini transit, we BOTH inadvertently wrote a scope for this card — and have decided to publish them both! Here’s Chrisalis’s take on this same card:
The Lovers
Sometimes you never quite know what you’re going to get in love and sometimes that statement doesn’t always apply to the other person for you can be equally as ambivalent towards them as they are towards you.
Enter Venus into Gemini today. A placement of Venus that tends to bring out the flirtatious, curious, communicative butterfly which flits, flies and flirts from person to person or situation to situation never quite totally settling upon a set form…. unless caught.
Do not get me wrong the Lovers card is a great card to have and if Venus had been entering a sign, such as, Scorpio, Cancer or Leo (to name a few) today then my interpretation would’ve been different.
But if you like your love in the shape of communicative, curious, never quite pinned down style of that of Venus in Gemini then is what’s being served up for the next few weeks… get ready to flirt!
In today’s tarot card you see a man and a woman with their backs to each other yet they hold a unified stance against their environment as their arms are linked together and they hold the exact same amount of “space” within the card… neither of them are overbearing or taking up more space than the other.
There is no tension here yet there is the unmistakable feeling that something isn’t quite right or that there are things going on around them that they need to watch each other’s back and therefore present a unified front against the world.
Are they in love or in love with the idea of being in love? As I gazed into the reflections in this card I was struck with the sense of even though there is strength and a unified presence perhaps all is not as it seems to be.
Look into the waters where their reflections lay and also that of the sun which usually shines with such a bright light it brings a smile to your face. Not this sun though… this sun is sitting on the side lines… neither smiling nor frowning and therein perhaps giving the best glimpse of what this card and day is truly about. Venus entering Gemini…. sometimes you never know where you stand… happy, sad, up or down. I hope someone has your back.
This card is part of the the Tarot of Reflections by Francesco Ciampi published by Lo Scarabeo and distributed by Llewellyn. Check out more daily tarot scopes or visit our Shop.
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no you are not seeing double (well on second thought, maybe you are). In the spirit of a true Mercury retrograde and Venus in Gemini transit, we BOTH inadvertently wrote a scope for this card — and have decided to publish them both! Take your pick!