Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 7, 2014 — Five of Swords

Five of Swords

Five of Swords

In line with Mercury turning retrograde we have the Five of Swords which is a card that usually denotes friction, sharp words with others or even legal disputes.

However, the imagery on this version looks as if the friction, negative thoughts or any disputes you are having are within your “self” and it is time to look within for the answers and seek inner clarity.

There is something very “night and day” about this card.  It is as if you can just extend your hand through an invisible shield and there you have the opposite thought, feeling or circumstance to what you are experiencing now in the present.

You are poised, you are in alignment, you are concentrating and yet what you see is a mirror image with perhaps no answers just yet in what you are trying to achieve and indeed what you may be trying to achieve is calmness and contemplation itself without the need to act or speak out.

To just let all around you take its course while you remain calm and untouched yet always with the awareness of what is going on without and within you.

This is a card you can come back to again and again over the next 5 weeks as Mercury turns retrograde, stations and then turns direct to travel through degrees in Cancer and Gemini. During this process, Mercury moves beyond the actual retrograde into what’s call its “shadow period,” which is also reflected in the imagery of this card. 

Be aware of your thoughts changing, your inner dialogue expanding and what these differences mean to you at that time.

Do not try to hold onto emotions that come up for you… let them go… remain in the present and enjoy the experience of looking at yourself reflected perfectly as you are in the present moment.


yoga-setThe card used for today’s tarotscope — Five of Swords — is part of the Yoga Tarot series, created by Massimiliano Filadoro, and Adriana Farina.

Massimiliano Filadoro is an Italian author, writer and comic book artist. Adriana Farina is an illustrator, cartoonist, web designer and yoga teacher.


This is a Lo Scarabeo deck published by Llewellyn.



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