High Priestess
It’s is a good day to explore your intuition as well as the deeper, more mysterious regions of your psyche, courtesy of Mercury entering Pisces and today’s card — the High Priestess.
The High Priestess speaks of inner wisdom, psychic guidance and a sense of “knowing” even when there is not a factual basis for it (much like Mercury in Pisces). It’s a strong feminine energy — regardless of your gender. It speaks of intuition, perception and wisdom, and all the secrets of the universe unveiled.
In this version of the card we meet Frigga, the Norse goddess of beauty, love and marriage. She was also goddess of the Sky and clouds, as well as a renowned prophet and Seer.
Frigga was able to foresee the future but unable to change it. This may be in keeping with the “unlucky” aspect associated with Friday the 13th: when you think about it, it’s only the unlucky part of fate that any of us want to change.
Here we see her emerging from a dark pool (memories, the unconscious, feelings and emotions). Behind her is a majestic throne with her blood red cloak draped over it, and behind that an enormous Crescent Moon. The juxtaposition between her red cloak (passion) and her white gown (purity) reinforces her enigmatic nature, as does her perfectly still and centered stance. She crosses her arms before her, keeping her secrets close to her heart.
Like the High Priestess in the card, you may be getting in touch with your own intuition today, or thinking about delving into the mystery schools — learning tarot, astrology, numerology, etc. Or you may find yourself experiencing profound instances or deja vu or synchronicity. You may also be experiencing bursts of creativity and inspiration. Another possibility, one that comes unexpectedly, is a sudden onset of clairvoyance or psychic impressions.
It’s important to embrace these visions and try to understand them, rather than shying away from them. They can bring incredible insights into not only your own personal choices, but also into the direction you need to be heading in order to achieve your goals over the next several weeks.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — the High Priestess — comes from the stunning Norse Tarot , by prolific artist Clive Barrett, who also designed the Ancient Egyptian Tarot.
This deck is also available through the Green Man & Gatekeeper website, as well as the site’s Etsy storefront.
Please also visit and “like” the Norse Tarot Facebook fan page.
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