Page of Swords
Pay attention to messages you receive today as they may be veiled or cloaked in double meanings.
The Page of Swords is a messenger card and is known for ferreting out the truth. But this “two-faced” version implies that things are not always as they seem and may come about through deception or duplicity.
You may uncover a deception or meet with someone whose motives prove to be disingenuous. Or you may have the be the bearer of uncomfortable news yourself, in which case you find yourself needing to deliver it carefully and diplomatically.
The Page of Swords — this version from Yoshitaka Amano’s Amano Tarot — is all about communications, ideas, information and news. He (or she) is generally very curious, a good judge of character, quick to size up others and able to see through ulterior motives and agendas.
In this respect it’s very difficult to hide anything from the Page of Swords. Yet this Page appears to be good at hiding his own true motives: presenting one face to the outer world while hiding his true identity in the background.
Communications are going to be important today, and as Mars conjuncts the South Node, you want to be particularly careful at how you communicate your ideas to others. The Mars/ South Node aspect is not known for tact or diplomacy.
The potential for being at odds with others or getting into a disagreement with someone is high.
But be careful too that you don’t make assumptions about someone’s motives that turn out to be colored by your own paranoia. The downside of this card is the potential for distorting information or reading into it something that is simply not there.
The challenge for you today is to figure out a way to look at the whole picture without accepting things at face value. While here’s likely to be more than meets the eye with respect to any communications, your goal should be to work on getting at the truth and disregarding anything that detracts you from that goal.
Today’s card — Page of Swords — comes from the beautiful Amano Tarot by Emile Scheherazade and Yoshitaka Amano.
This gorgeous deck was published by Japanese publisher Seibidou Shuppan.
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