Seven of Cups
Mercury squares Neptune today, bringing with it the desire to escape into romantic fantasy and illusions.
You may feel like torn by competing interests and pulled in different directions — either away from the things you really want to do, or towards the kind of mindless diversions that cause you lose sight of your priorities.
The Seven of Cups is a card of temptations, often fueled by irrational thoughts or fantasies. There can be too many options available, which makes it hard to decide. But it’s often a case of wishful thinking and foolish day-dreaming that can interfere with actual progress.
This card is loaded in mystical imagery. There’s a woman riding a flying dragon over a pond filled with lotus blossoms. Three cups rest in the pond — one with a rainbow rising from it — the dragon holds another three, and the last one — the Seventh — is lifted up towards the woman by a tiny glowing fairy.
She may be leaning toward that Seventh magical cup but she hasn’t decided yet, and this is one of the main dilemmas with the Seven of Cups. There are so many choices to be made and some of them more appealing than others.
What you long for may look so much more appealing than what you already have, but it’s also quite possibly an illusion. And even if it isn’t you have to remind yourself that it’s not going to come about by sitting around daydreaming about it.
There are elements of seduction also inherent in this card. Being seduced by something intangible or just out of reach, or being lured in by a fantasy that falls short in the harsh light of day.
While you may think that the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, chances are good that once you got there you’d want nothing more than to return back home. The message behind this card is to aim for reachable goals and to participate in attaining them rather than allowing yourself to fall into the trap of wishful thinking.
Today’s card — Seven of Cups — comes from the Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso.
This beautiful deck — and individual prints — can be purchased directly from her Shop.
Please visit and “like” her Facebook Fan Page.
This deck — published by U.S. Games — is also available as for download through the Fool’s Dog website.
Used by generous permission.
Check out more daily tarot scopes or visit our Shop.
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