High Priestess
There is something about today where you will barely be able to contain your own power. If you have been hoping to be in a position to push something forward in your life then today is the day to do so.
Not only is everything lining up for you it is also doing it in a way where you only have to push a few buttons and presto… the world is your oyster.
With Mercury trine Neptune today you are also in a state of heightened intuition when it comes to “knowing” and you can put this to good use.
The dominance of the colour orange in this card shows you are using your creative energy to get what you desire.
There is no nastiness or meanness to what you are trying to accomplish as the ring of white around your shoulders shows your intentions are pure.
The book in your left hand implies you are using your energy wisely with the back up of wisdom and knowledge whilst the array of purple in the backdrop also strengthens any areas of spirituality around you.
The fields to either side of you show growth in various stages alongside the firm foundation of mature trees in the background.
Trees, which have seen an array of seasons and also hold an array of secrets which can help you. This the day to put out to the Universe your wishes and dreams and see what you get back.
Today’s card — the High Priestess — comes from the New Century Tarot by German artist and architect Rolf Eichelmann. This is a full 78-card deck painted originally in vivid acrylics, distributed by U.S. Games.
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