Four of Pentacles
Today’s Venus / Chiron aspect may have you looking at whatever you’re holding onto for dear life and thinking about whether you’d be better served to step back and scrutinize what it is you think you may lose if you don’t let go of those reigns.
Have you been trying to hang onto what you have and not let any of it go? This may be in relation to your assets, finances, possessions or even your feelings and heart.
Sometimes money and feelings go hand in hand. You may not be willing to see it that way but money can be a powerful ally when it comes to relationships and emotions and who “owns” what within a relationship.
Sometimes it’s not so clear cut as that: you may not be seeing that what really matters is love and money cannot buy you this… or can it?
Perhaps you should ask yourself if your financial matters have become entwined with your emotional matters and if so where does one end and the other begin. What you would be willing to lose and what would you gain if you lost it.
Some people are happy with very little money as long as they have love, while others have very little love and a lot of money. From an astrological standpoint, Venus rules both.
If you’re in one of these categories, ask yourself how much power the abundance of one and scarcity of the other has over you? And more importantly, how does it affect your actions and the actions of those around you?
The Venus / Saturn aspect encourages you to determine the answers to those questions, as one (Venus) represents abundance while the other (Saturn) represents restriction. Your goal should be to find a middle ground.
Today’s card — Four of Pentacles — is part of the Steampunk Tarot series designed and illustrated by Charissa Drengsen.
The Steampunk Tarot is sold through Charissa’s shop at Etsy!
There’s also a companion book available through Amazon.
It is also available as an Android app.
Please also check out and “like” her Facebook fan page.
Used by generous permission.
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