Page of Cups:
Today is a day for spreading the love and tending to those who are nearest and dearest to you with tender loving care.
The Page of Cups is sensitive, loving, gentle and kind. He’s nurturing and very compassionate — and more than willing to express his feelings of love and affection for others.
In this version of the card — from the Housewives Tarot — the Page of Cups is seen as a young boy watering a group of sunflowers with three faces in their centers. I can’t tell if these are family members or movie stars (is it Burgess Meredith, Red Skelton and Fred Astaire? I doubt it, but this is who they look like to me).
The flowers are planted in heart-shaped vases and the boy looks positively gleeful as he waters them. The flowers are thriving and lifting their sunny faces up toward him to soak it all in.
The Page of Cups may be someone in your life — a young child or someone with childlike qualities, gentleness, sweetness and idealism. Or it may be a set of qualities that you’re being called on to embrace. I love how this card focuses less on romantic love and more on tending to others. Seeing how love spreads and is responded to by others.
Is there someone in your life that needs a little nurturing today in order to lift their spirits or reach their full potential? Perhaps you’re in need of a bit of tender loving care yourself. The Page of Cups is here to remind you that when you give even a little you get a whole lot back in return, so take a few minutes today to see what you can do to gladden the hearts of others.
The card used for today’s Tarot Scope — Page of Cups — features the Housewives Tarot by Paul Kepple and Jude Buffum of Headcase Designs.
This deck is published by Quirk Books.
The Housewives Tarot is also available as an app through the Fool’s Dog website.
Used by generous permission.
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