Happy Birthday Capricorn!
Here are the astrological highlights for January.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month. This month’s New Moon falls on January 10th at 19° Capricorn 13″. The Full Moon falls on January 24th at 3° Leo 29″.
Retrogrades: Mercury turns retrograde on January 5th at 1° Aquarius 02″. Jupiter turns retrograde on January 8th at 23° Virgo 14″. Mercury turns direct on January 25th at 14° Capricorn 55″.
Ingresses: Mercury enters Aquarius on January 2nd. Mars enters Scorpio on January 3rd. Mercury enters Capricorn on January 8th. The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20th. Venus enters Capricorn on January 23rd.
Aries — March 21-April 19: 2016 starts out with you making important decisions regarding both your career and your finances. As your Mars (your ruler) moves into Scorpio and your 8th house, you should be taking a more serious look at ways to maximize your resources. This transit is in effect for most of the month, and comes on the heels or Uranus turning direct in your sign. It’s a powerful, innovative combination which should see you feeling motivated to make changes that can impact on your financial situation your for years to come. On the 8th, Jupiter goes retrograde in your work sector. As the ruler of your 9th house — the areas associated with education and higher learning, its transit through your 6th can see you thinking more seriously about going back to school. Jupiter is in detriment in Virgo though, and because it’s retrograde you may not want to commit to something long term. This transit is best used for brushing up on your studies rather than taking on a full schedule.
Moon in Aries: Jan 15, 16 and 17
Taurus — April 20-May 20: If you’ve been thinking about turning over a new leaf in the romance department, this is going to be the time to do it. That doesn’t mean you need to throw everything you already have going for you out. But with Mars moving into your relationship sector and Venus moving into your intimacy sector, you should be experiencing some fireworks in this area this month. Your chances of meeting someone new (or revamping an existing relationship) are strong. You’re going to be feeling more confident and more passionate which is sure to attract interested parties. But an old flame make coming knocking too — especially after the 8th when Jupiter goes retrograde in your romance sector. You’re going to be given opportunities to go back and make things right. The New Moon also takes place in your 9th house — the area related to travel and long distance communications. Because of this, you could very well end up making plans to rendezvous with a loved one before the month is over.
Moon in Taurus: Jan 17, 18 and 19
Gemini — May 21-June 21: This is a time for getting your ducks in a row — especially during the first few days of the month and especially regarding your love life. Things may get a bit tricky for you in this area, with both of your relationship rulers turning retrograde early in the month: Mercury on the 5th and Jupiter on the 8th. You should have opportunities to revisit and resolve some issues related to your past — whether this involves past connections or existing relationships. Venus is moving through your relationship sector and conjuncting Saturn on the 11th. If you’re wanting to have a serious discussion, that’s the time to do it. But keep in mind that the Mercury retrograde can lead to misunderstandings, so be sure you’re making yourself clear. This month you also want to be paying attention to your finances, with the Full Moon taking place in the area related to joint resources. It’s a good time to save and not such a good time to spend. See what you can do to clear up past debts or put a little more away than you’d planned.
Moon in Gemini: Jan 19, 20 and 21
Cancer — June 22-July 23: It’s going to be a bit of a mixed bag for you this month with focus on several different areas. Relationship issues are highlighted, with a lineup of planets moving through your 7th house and Mars moving through your 5th. These are the primary romance areas, and by month’s end there will have been 6 planets moving through them. Think about what was missing in this area for you over the last 12 months. Have you been so consumed with work or family obligations that there’s been no time left for romance? Or maybe you’ve sacrificed your own needs to support your partner. Whatever the case, now is the time to think about you want and how to go about getting it. You also have Venus and Saturn moving through your health sector, so pay attention to signals your body is sending you during this time. This sector is also related to work, and more specifically self-improvement. While that still may be tied to health concerns — as in taking better care of your health — it’s also a good time to take stock of what you can do to better yourself in all areas.
Moon in Cancer: Jan 21, 22 and 23
Leo — July 24-August 23: This month you’re going to be focusing on work and making money — with a little bit of romance thrown in for good measure. With Jupiter in your money sector and a lineup of planets moving through your work and self-improvement sectors, these areas should be relatively in sync. Jupiter goes retrograde on the 8th, at which time you may be called upon to go back and revise something on the job. You want to be focusing on what you can do to better yourself on the job, and to take better care of your health — starting with dietary changes or a new exercise regimen. With Venus and Saturn moving through your romance sector, you may be thinking about taking a casual romance to the next level and getting more serious about your commitment. You may also be motivated to resolve problems that have arisen over the last several weeks. The Full Moon takes place in your sign late in the month (on the 24th). This should give you an overview of all that you’ve accomplished over the last 12 months and put you in mind for making the appropriate changes.
Moon in Leo: Jan 23, 24 (Full Moon), 25 and 26
Virgo — August 24-September 22: This month you’re going to be thinking about revisiting an old career path and breathing new life into it. Maybe you’re stuck in some kind of limbo at work, or maybe you’ve grown so accustomed to just punching in that you’ve forgotten your original goals. If so now is the time to dust them off and work on bringing them up to date. With Jupiter now in your sign — and retrograding on the 8th — and your career ruler going retrograde a few days earlier, there’s going to be a lot of emphasis for you on looking back over your goals and dusting them off. You may have established yourself in your career and see no reason to make a change. But this isn’t about changing jobs (necessarily) it’s about reigniting the passion you once had for your job and turning it into a calling. It’s not necessarily the time to act: it’s time to review, revisit and revise. And the good news is that you’ve got plenty of time to figure it out, as Jupiter will be retrograde in Virgo for the next five months.
Moon in Virgo: Jan 1, 26, 27 and 28
Libra — September 23-October 22: The focus for you this month will be on home and family — including extended family and close friends. Parents, siblings and children all feature prominently. With four planets — including the New Moon on the 10th — moving through your 4th house, and Venus (your ruler) joining in on the 23rd, you’ll be putting a lot of effort and energy into making things comfortable at home. But this doesn’t mean you’ll be all alone. You could also be busy involving yourself in neighborhood or community activities, or even entertaining on your own turf. You start and end the month with the Moon in your sign, making it a little easier to be yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin. And while you do have some nice career transits — and even nicer romance transits — your focus this month should be more on your relationship with yourself and with those you consider family. In the end they’re the ones who know you inside and out, and have decided to keep you around anyway.
Moon in Libra: Jan 1, 2, 3, 28, 29, 30, 31
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: It may take you a few days to get moving this month, with Mars — one of your ruling planets — in the last degrees of Libra until the 3rd. At that time it moves into Scorpio and squares Mercury in Aquarius. You may feel like you’re on edge, especially as Mercury goes retrograde on the 5th and the Sun squares your other ruling planet (Pluto) the following day. This can create a heightened sense of impatience or frustration that may take everything you have in you to stay calm. Misunderstandings can cause you to jump to conclusions or make assumptions based on misinformation. Until you have all the facts, don’t just assume that you’re right and everyone else is wrong. This is especially important regarding family members and relationship partners. Communications are emphasized for you all month long, with the New Moon on the 10th falling in this sector alongside three other planets. Pay attention to the messages you send and receive, especially around the 22nd when Mercury comes back and conjuncts Pluto, bringing new insights and perspectives into the mix.
Moon in Scorpio: Jan 3, 4, 5, 6 and 31
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: Things are looking up for you in the career department this month. With Jupiter moving through your career sector and Venus — the ruler of your work sector — moving through your sign, you should be sitting pretty in the professional arena. If you’re not, get out there and pound the pavement because these transits don’t just come along every day. Even Saturn has decided to cooperate. It’s in your sign now and conjuncting Venus after the 8th, just as Mercury goes retrograde. Speaking of retrogrades, one area that may not be going so well for you this month is your love life. With both of your relationship rulers (Mercury and Jupiter) retrograde for most of the month, and with your romance ruler moving through your 12th house, you are likely to run into some conflicts in this area. This Mars in Scorpio transit can enhance your sex appeal and boost your libido, but its 12th house placement can cause it to be misdirected. Focus on career and money instead as there’s much less drama and friction associated with the transits that are affecting these areas.
Moon in Sagittarius: Jan 6. 7 and 8
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: Happy Birthday Capricorn! You should be in fine form this month, with several planets moving through your sign and your ruler (Saturn) conjuncting Venus in the early part of the month. You should have plenty of opportunities for romance during this time, especially in the latter part of the month. You’ll want to make room in your calendar for connecting with others and getting your social game on. Be careful you don’t get caught up in something that can be perceived by others — such as a clandestine affair. With your romance ruler (Venus) moving through your 12th house — the areas associated with secrets and self-undoing — the temptation may be strong. But the Full Moon in your sex and intimacy sector later in the month (on the 24th) will shed light on this area and could expose something you don’t want to be exposed. Since Mars is also moving through your friends and casual acquaintances sector, the lines between love and friendship may become blurred. While the prospects for relationship are favorable this month, you’ll still want to behave like a Capricorn and exercise restraint.
Moon in Capricorn: Jan 8, 9 and 10 (New Moon)
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: You may start the month feeling a bit testy or on edge. You’re going to be loaded with motivation and energy but potentially frustrated by things not happening quickly enough or apart through at the last minute. This is due to a Mercury Mars square that is straddling your 1st and 10th houses — the areas associated with “Self” and “Reputation / Career.” The good news is that you’re going to be seen as a mover and shaker during this time. You’re going to be bursting with ideas and people are going to want to listen to what you have to say. But the bad news is that it can come across as combative or abrasive, especially during the first week of the month. This is not the time to try to force your ideas on others. But at the same time you do have something to say and it needs to be heard. While you also don’t want to buckle under pressure, your best bet is to try to go with the flow and soften your presentation rather than engaging in power struggles.
Moon in Aquarius: Jan 10, 11 and 12
Pisces — February 20-March 20: A blast from the past may grab your attention this month — specifically in the romance department. With your ruler currently moving through your relationship sector and retrograding there on the 8th, someone you have “history” with may unexpectedly appear and want to resolve (or rekindle) an old connection. You want to be careful though, as both your relationship rulers are going to be retrograde this month, which means this may be more about tying up loose ends than it is about recapturing an old romance. You may be making unexpected travel plans and if so don’t be afraid to go for it, keeping in mind the Mercury retrograde can lead to last minute scheduling changes or conflicts. As long as you’re willing to roll with the punches, this may be just the doctor ordered. Things are looking up for you in the career department as well. With Venus moving through your 10th house and conjuncting Saturn (on the 11th) you may be in line for a promotion or some well-deserved recognition. This is a good time to put yourself out there and show those who matter what you’re made of.
Moon in Pisces: Jan 12, 13, 14 and 15
Jan 2016 Monthly Horoscopes
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!

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