Happy Birthday Gemini! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: The New Moon occurs on June 5th at 14° Gemini 53″.
Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on June 20th at 29° Sagittarius 32″.
Retrogrades: Neptune turns retrograde on June 13th; Chiron turns retrograde on June 27th, Mars turns direct on June 30th. Saturn and Pluto are retrograde for the entire month of June.
Ingresses: Mercury enters Gemini on June 13th, Venus enters Cancer on June 17th, the Sun enters Cancer on the June 20th, and Mercury enters Cancer on June 20th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: Mars, your ruling planet, is still having a fine time in retrograde which may have had you feeling a bit low on energy lately. You may also feel as if the answers you are seeking are just out of your reach. Mars, is not particularly known for its patience nor is Aries so June continues to be a bit of a learning curve for you when it comes to not pushing forward with what you want, and learning to sit back for a bit and see what happens. The month starts out with the moon in your sign which may have you thinking you can push ahead with your own agenda. You may wish to give some thought to this idea. The moon is in your relationship area from the 13th to the 15th a time which will perhaps give you some respite from the stresses you may have been experiencing in your love life.
Moon in Aries June 1, 2, 28, 29
Taurus — April 20-May 20: At the end of the month, and I do mean the very end of the month, Mars will turn direct. This will no doubt have you breathing a sigh of relief as it will spend all of June in your relationship area. Your love life may be in a bit of upheaval from this especially if you decided to open conversations which had no right to be opened and found yourself still arguing long past the time you knew it was time to be quiet. Some words of wisdom, do not go there this month. You should already know from last months’ experience with Mars retrograde that sometimes when you open your mouth what you really wished to say doesn’t come out as you heard it silently in your mind. If it all gets too much for you try some physical activity to release your pent up emotions.
Moon in Taurus June 3, 4, 30
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Venus is in your sign for the first half of this month breathing a breath of fresh air into you love life. If it weren’t for Mars and Saturn still being retrograde you’d be excused for thinking that your luck were changing. However, with these two planets still causing havoc in your life you are best to keep a low profile. I know this is difficult for Gemini being the vivacious, charming people that you are and some respite will come soon. Mercury, your ruling planet, has turned direct in June and by the 13th it is in your own sign. This can give you a sense of feeling at home again and your thought processes will become a lot smoother and clearer. Just what you need I hear you think but you still need to keep up some patience before speaking out and perhaps ending up with your foot in your mouth.
Moon in Gemini June 4, 5 (New), 6
Cancer — June 22-July 23: Retrograding Mars may have had you feeling a bit held back lately especially as it is in a part of your chart that usually stands for fun and creativity. As June is the last month Mars is retrograde you don’t have long to go to possibly use this transit to your advantage. Mars may be frustrating, moody and inconsistent when it is retrograde but it sure is good for one thing and that is planning your next move. Just as long as you don’t put your plan into action this month you can use it to lay down the groundwork for something exciting you may wish to bring into your life. Themes to look out for are creativity, fun, play and generally keeping yourself at the centre of your attention. Venus is in your sign from the 18th which can help you to get in touch with your emotions so you may find that using your feelings to facilitate your wants is the best approach to take.
Moon in Cancer June 6, 7, 8
Leo — July 24-August 23: With Venus in your area of friends and friendships early in the month alongside Mercury you’d be well advised to accept all those social invitations that come your way and just see what happens. Venus rules romance so a friendship may turn into something more. After the 17th it is time for you to lose yourself in your creativity. Meditation, artistic and creative pursuits will be easier for you at this time. Mars is retrograde in your area of home and family during June which could cause a bit of discord and a few arguments. With Jupiter now direct you might like to start looking at your finances. It’s a good time to study them but perhaps wait till next month to take action where it is needed. The moon is in your relationship area from the 23rd to 25th which is also the time Venus moves into a far more romantic area of your chart.
Moon in Leo June 8, 9, 10
Virgo — August 24-September 22: Jupiter is now direct in your sign which has hopefully helped you to see what you need to do next. The moon’s node is also conjunct Jupiter for the entire month of June. This is a lucky aspect to have. It can bring something into your life that you did not expect or it can help you achieve that which you thought not possible. Whatever it is, there will be a sense of fate about what happens so don’t look a gift horse in the mouth, rather, grab it with both hands and run with it. After the 14th, Neptune turns retrograde in your relationship area. Make sure you have taken care of anything that was bothering you with your love life before that time. The last thing you need is the confusing nature of Neptune messing with any of your well laid plans.
Moon in Virgo June 11, 12, 13
Libra — September 23-October 22: Jupiter is now direct in your area of spirituality which may have you spreading your creativity wings and delving deep into your psyche. Mercury is also in a position to help you with this until the 13th when it then moves into Gemini forming a trine to your sign. This will be good for communication, clear thinking and learning. Any conversations you were thinking to have wait until after the 13th. Romance may also be on your mind with Venus forming a trine to your sign as well up until the 18th. This should make for a pleasant month for Librans. Given that Venus is also in an area of your chart that speaks of adventure and fun you may be spreading your wings in more than just the creativity aspect of your personality.
Moon in Libra June 13, 14, 15
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: Scorpios have a lot to contend with this month as Mars, your co rule, continues its retrograde in your sign. This can have the effect of heaping upon you a whole lot of frustrations and setbacks. It’s also a great time to plan so with that in mind you might like to just take some “time out” to yourself this month and do all those things you have been putting off. As long as you don’t act too quickly and take your time you should be ok. Venus’ move in to Cancer on the 18th brings with it a breath of fresh air to your love life and it trines your sign. With Jupiter also in a great position to bring friendships back into balance you won’t have to worry too much about your social life this month. The moon in your relationship area on 2nd, 3rd and 30th will also go a long way to help your love life.
Moon in Scorpio June 16, 17, 18
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: Mid-month is what you have to watch for in June. As Mercury enters your relationship area and Venus leaves it you have a small window of opportunity to set your love life to rights in a way that leaves both of you feeling like winners. The dates are 13th to 18th so use them well. The beginning of the month sees Venus in your relationship area and after the ravages of Mars retrograde from May this is a time to smooth over anything that has been going wrong for you. You will need this time too as Mars will be travelling through your sign again in August, coming into close contact with Saturn. You do not wish to enter August with anything bothering you when you could have fixed it earlier. May is the month to take care of things. Use it well.
Moon in Sagittarius June 18, 19, 20 (Full)
Capricorn — December 21-January 20:
With Mars retrograde in your friendship sector you may be excused this month in finding it difficult in working out who your friends really are. The saying “keep your friends close and your enemies closer” may be ringing a little too true. However, come June 30, as Mars turns direct, you can look forward to patching up any misunderstandings which have come to past. You may not be out of the woods quickly with this but you will be on the path to mending a few fences. Venus will be in your love area after the 18th breathing in new life to pick up your relationship and hopefully put it on a clearer path. With Saturn, your ruler, still retrograde in an area of your chart which is anything but clear you may be feeling a bit frustrated this month. No quick decisions for you!
Moon in Capricorn June 20, 21, 22
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: June begins with Venus trining your sun sign which is good news for your love life. It’s probably just as well too as Mars, over in your career sector, has probably been causing you a few problems with work. Feel like you can’t get anything done? Things not working out for you in the work place? Blame it on Mars and instead shift your attention to your love life! If you’ve tried everything to get the work issues to resolve and nothing is happening then you might as well concentrate on something in your life that is. When that something is your love and relationship then it will be a huge plus to your partner and can also make up for any times you have not been there for them. The moon is in your relationship area on the 8th, 9th and 10th which is pretty perfect really as this will only heighten your love life even more.
Moon in Aquarius June 23, 24, 25
Pisces — February 20-March 20: For those of you born in the mid Pisces dates this month could be very interesting. Jupiter, which is now direct, will come into close contact with the moon’s node for the duration of the month. There may be something quite karmic in your interactions. It certainly shouldn’t be a boring month and indeed it should be quite exciting. Venus will trine you sun sign after the 18th also bringing with it a very nice feel good factor and boosting your love life no end. Your ruler, Neptune, is still in Pisces and turning retrograde after the 14th. Take note to any insights you have this month. It may not be the time to act on them as Mars is still retrograde but you never know what is around the corner for you. June is the month to watch for Pisceans as it heralds the start of changes for you.
Moon in Pisces June 25, 26, 27
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
June 2016 Monthly Horoscopes

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