Just after the sun goes into Aquarius right on a New Moon on January 20, 2015 we are visited again (on the 21st) by that pesky little thing known as Mercury turning retrograde.
This time it is in Aquarius which is the sign of geniuses as that lightening quick energy of Uranus (Aquarius’ ruling planet) mingles with Mercury (planet of communication).
You can imagine many things can go wrong with the combination of Mercury retrograde in Aquarius and you are not far off the mark there.
Be prepared for thoughts just hitting you out of nowhere and then be prepared for feeling frustrated in not being able to follow them up.
You might also want to give some thought to electrical gadgets going haywire and making sure that everything is in tip top shape so no further damage can be done.
Personally, I like the sound of Mercury retrograde in Aquarius.It should bring out some plans that are about your future, allow you to see things from different angles that you may not usually take into consideration and also not keep you as heavily bound down as some of the other signs Mercury could’ve turned retrograde in.
Aquarius is an air sign and Mercury usually does pretty well when travelling through air signs as they rule communication, thinking and ideas.